I'm going to become inactive during the day beginning next week, I apologize for this but the time has come that I actually start my career. I'll post as much as I can at night to keep the board moving but if we do grow inactive remember: We're a clan of friends. We started this clan with the soul purpose of having all of us together in one place and it's inevitable we'll grow inactive one day but all I ask that if you're part of the family here at TGS that has known each other for years(You know who you are) all I ask is that you stick by us even through our inactive times. Because we're homie's for life, we ride together we, die together.

I'll be starting my new job on Monday. And starting around August 11th I'll begin my training to become a Search & Rescue Dog Handler. And from there I'll decide whether or not I want to pursue becoming either a Game Warden or a K-9 Officer.

Will you train puppies?
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Puppies? I'm only going to be training one dog for Search and Rescue and that's the one I'll be using. But I'll have to train different dogs if I decide to become a K-9 officer or a Bomb Squad dog handler since they require different training from different sources.
Last edited by millie; Jul 11, 2014 at 06:49 PM.

So it's about that time again, clan league. Are we signing up to whip some arse or are we gonna sit back and relaxationagize.
Hey it's me
I won't be around to play sadly. Our key members for this are growing if not already inactive(yes they'll come back but they're just sick of the game for now) and the majority of people whom competed last year are pretty much sick of the Clan League for now.

My vote is towards skipping this year. But if someone would like to step up and lead the team sure but being lazy is not an option. I'm not going to be down with someone who's leading who's going to miss any matches unless under extreme circumstances. If you're gunna lead this you're going to have to organize the matches, rally the troops(this doesn't mean post on the forum this means bug people on steam and skype until they agree). Deal with the vast number of dumbasses(Shout out to rcarey) you'll have to communicate with whilst trying to organize the match. Also being from the US is a good thing so you're more compatible with the majority of clans.
Last edited by millie; Jul 12, 2014 at 12:36 AM.

I'm ready with it.
But can someone tell me who's gonna play this time from out clan??
If there is a sufficient number of participants, then i will also play.