Originally Posted by Arthur View Post
Also, kaka. I closed your art thread, because I can't really allow that to be in the board. No hard feelings, okay? :c
I still almost like you and stuff :^D no homo

No problem xd , you are doing your job here so that counts ;) . If you wanna see more of those covers you can click on my sign below .

Also i made adam sandler in anime version . If you wanna see it you have to look in the art thread ;)
Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
No problem xd , you are doing your job here so that counts ;) . If you wanna see more of those covers you can click on my sign below .

Also i made adam sandler in anime version . If you wanna see it you have to look in the art thread ;)

i would watch the videos but sadly i cant even see pictures cause guy who reinstaled windows in this pc is dumb as a sock
Originally Posted by Arthur View Post
Well, my personal opinion is that the actual game goes first and only then all the assets and other content should be created, since the coding part usually is the hardest.

I suck at programming tbh, i only watch tutorial and improvise and more
But i fell in love with GraphicGale, first time i found a fine pixel art animating program
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
I think it's poop cause of how easy it is to miss a click on a champ when you're kiting.
Can kite fo' days in LoL without ever missing a click.

It's called Hero, it's a disgrace to DotA if you compare it with LoL
DotA require more skill and teamwork rather than LoL
Originally Posted by Course View Post
also inb4 someone says league is better

dota players rape league

league players suck ass at dota

case closed

I can confirm this is true

dont be butthurt league players, its a fact you cant deny
Please bring back Organiζations board
league is simpler than DOTA
DOTA is more complex

some people prefer checkers
some people prefer chess

chill the fuck out this discussion is giving me autism
Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
It's called Hero

Hero, champ, it's all the same shit.

Anywho, I'm doing a 30 hour course on budgeting. It really fucking sucks.
Ok, flying to Sweden today.
Shit's gonna be cash. :^)

I'm in the sky now. They have wifi here.
Last edited by Arthur; May 21, 2015 at 09:16 AM.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Arthur goes to sweden... Sweden wins in eurovision . What have you done arthur ? xd

Also germany and austria got 0 points . Something went wrong . Belgium is on 4th place .
Originally Posted by emilss1004 View Post
arthur tell hi to pewdiepie from me

He doesn't live in Gothenburg anymore. He's in England now. Oh, and meh.

Originally Posted by Hush
Art go to Stockholm and streak in front of Anders and Semmler while they cast ESL ESEA league

Sadly, I'm nowhere near Stockholm... And I've gotten sick... ;-;

Also, I dislike Eurovision in general. Instead of actually providing a competition for good songs, it's just some live shows and politically correct tolerance bullshit.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc