If we were in Ireland we would go paintballing in skirmish.
Uh, that didn't make any sense. And I'm not only a member in omega, I'm your new leader. :P
Never. I will stay here no matter what! Even that pepperjack above me is our co-ldr...

Don't even try to annoy me.

Last edited by Ruadhan; Apr 9, 2010 at 09:53 PM.
Originally Posted by Orfeas View Post
Never. I will stay here no matter what! Even that pepperjack above me is our co-ldr...

I'm the leader of this clan, not co leader. And don't try to annoy me or make fun of me because I am able to kick you from this clan if I want without anyone else's approval.
Lol still dude chill out, don't go around abusing powers as soon as you get them. XD Here have some Kool-Aid lol

Also being called a "pepperjack" is kinda a lame thing to get angry about...