It doesn't seem mean in any way, of were being honest Tank has terrible forum activity. Lol. Much worse than All Star in its new days.
Originally Posted by Dillon View Post
What do you mean never with this activity its 10x more active then ur dead clan.

AS was way more active than (Tank) when we got Official!
and Yeah AS is dying
AS was active, but that's because it was gull of a members that were really experienced in the game and been around the forum a lot. So they knew how to be active. This clan has, me Pendragon, PoxPox, and senei. Along with a few others that have been around a lot and done a lot. Crimson too, but like sensei and poxpox, he's not active.
TankBets was a success! I'll send 50k to tankbank later on!
Remember where you came from
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