Only nerds use avatars.

@Dare, Stone:
I'll be really happy if both of you use skype or Discord, i meant, i know we're always talking about anything else, but clan things will be discussed too.
As leader, i kinda need that quick contact, i cant use pms or search in game everytime.
If you don't want to be added in the group, sure, just add me or find me there, so i can message if anything happens. Please.
Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Only nerds use avatars.

@Dare, Stone:
I'll be really happy if both of you use skype or Discord, i meant, i know we're always talking about anything else, but clan things will be discussed too.
As leader, i kinda need that quick contact, i cant use pms or search in game everytime.
If you don't want to be added in the group, sure, just add me or find me there, so i can message if anything happens. Please.

Kratos has the point. You guys should try to join one of em. Hard to keep contact without one of them.
Thanks can we try to post more content and less shitposts. since we applyed for official :P
Originally Posted by Dare View Post
Okay :> D*:

Anyway, i'm happy you'll join. : D

Originally Posted by Idle View Post
Thanks can we try to post more content and less shitposts. since we applyed for official :P

It used to be kinda funny when post count actually used to change, so yeah, people should listen to Idle. : D
Yeah listen the Donald Trump.
Also just noticed Kratos your post count. What the actual fuck.
not gonna lie but all your posts are pretty low, I think I'm the alpha male when it comes to posts right now.
Can someone send me an invite to the discord. We made one previouisly that i was in, but its not the right JUAN

I'll miss you