>be me
>be 19
>beeboop boopdidoo
>skiddlyboop deeda dayy
>Skurdilly Skobapboop
>skibba dooba deeba dooba doo

Thats the story of how I became gm.

i am a bird now - Lil B

Gunk what you gotta do is go up to her get all friendly then say "wanna go to build a bear and make some bears?" Bam your in. Simple as that
Originally Posted by Static View Post
Gunk what you gotta do is go up to her get all friendly then say "wanna go to build a bear and make some bears?" Bam your in. Simple as that

Wait what? Where did a "her" arrive from?

Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
Wait what? Where did a "her" arrive from?

Smallbowls boobs came in last night. So he became a girl.
She also changed her name from smallbowl to bigcups ;)

i am a bird now - Lil B