Hey guys sorry for the lack of activity, I've been getting ready for finals (again). Summer semester is only a month and a half long so you gotta go hard to keep up. After the 20th I'll be back to playing and chatting more often.
It has been awhile since I posted and I will try not to be so lazy about it.
But, my vacation went a little long and then I got involved in a couple of projects which are taking up most of my time.

I would reply to all that has been said here, but then my post would be a mile long, so I will try to make them short.

ToriGod08, Glad to hear the job is going well.
I look forward to seeing you in-game again soon.

Flamesmash, please don't change your name, it is one of my all time favorite TB usernames.
BTW if you do, I will just go on calling you Flamesmash anyways XD

Regarding the "punk" chatter, I went through a SexPistols/Echo and the Bunnymen/Swans/Misfits stage and it will live on as a part of me forever!

I know that everyone is excited about Clan Leauge and there is no doubt that we can go far in it.

Great attitude JayXManHD:
Originally Posted by JayXManHD
Win. Conquer. Dominate.


The united clan that is ready for anything and everything!


The day has finally come for us to fight. All who are ready say "WAPOW is ready!"

WAPOW is ready!


Swepples is doing a great job pushing the Clan Video forward.
I would like to see everyone step up and work with him to make sure it is done quickly and well.

FleshMon, I am so glad that you reconsidered.
I think that I have made myself clear on this point but I will say it again, you are a Toribash Legend.
I know that you have been in some other amazing clans, but now you are a part of the WAPOW family and you are stuck with us forever!

Alright then, just short of a mile long post.

hello, guys finally im here

first of all, i should say sorry for lack of activity, cause i have exams;
earlier i told about thats pain in ass, cause our education is senseless and merciless
but now thats circus is over, i successfully passed it and now have my full summer free,
so i will try to hang with u guys as much as i can, and i finally want to make relationships with girl instead of job cause its really pain...
i also gained 4th dan yesterday ^-^

some words about my country
for knew guys and for those who dont know/dont care/dont listen
my country is ukraine and i quite often heard some stereotypes about it
from people from other countries, so i try to tell some negative aspects
and some positives though there are no many of them
and just try to share some information about country i live

so, war still here, price r growing, but no so fast as before, and we can see
thats value of $ have no connection with it;
this time i wanna tell u about our holidays, in fact my country one of those
who have the biggest quality of holidays when people dont work =)
i cant even name a half of them (cause i dont know), we just dont work.
Somebody can say that is reason of our poor level of life, but i dont agree,
main reason of that is corruption and ducking horrifying governement,
which is also senseless and merciless and really dumb, u can really say ,
thats the goal of it make this country a dump and people a slaves,
and noone dont make anything, some smart people just leave it,
i also want to, but i have no possibilities, and i think its wrong,
the correct way is to stand up and destroy all that animals who rules here
but in fact there r not many people who really want such changes,
most of them or scared, or dont care, or just wait when somebody will make
all that instead of them, and that annoying me so much, so personally i find ways
to leave this stupid country with its mentality which was far better and now its turning
people into wild, impolite, irrational slaves, who can only consume and blame others in their failures,
and work hard but have the most little part of salary which it really costs, where people try to fool
each other, and i cant be sure that i will have good service when i pay money;

i know its really negative post but its true and i hope some of u will be interesting
to know something about lifestyle in other country
Last edited by Dart; Jun 9, 2015 at 11:35 PM.
the best ukrainian in WAPOW©
Thanks boss.

I'm going to be training my ass off and I'll come back stronger and better!
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
Anyone who wants to spend some time today / tonight and help me with horse stance and balance in general? It's been a while since I played wushu / mushu and I am rust as fk. Would appreciate some help to spar. And no, not parkouring anytime soon, I hate it.