yes. Fuck, I played with KongXD on pigultimatefreerun in like 09 or something and he used to be like my idol, ever since I saw him do a kong vault over the first bar :')
anyway, yes. yes. yes. yes.
♥ mushu♥
You copied and pasted your silver application here?

Last edited by Facade; Mar 3, 2013 at 07:39 AM.
what am i doing here
Originally Posted by Facade View Post
You copied and pasted your silver application here?


Last edited by Facade; Mar 3, 2013 at 07:44 AM.
Hello guys! I just wanted to apply because Toribash gets really boring if you only play it "alone". First things first:
My real name is Pascal. I'm 14 years old and have skype ( xXCHEFFCHENXx ). Mostly, I'm verry nice but sometimes I can really be an as*hole xD I think that I'm a pretty funny and Ok person and yeah.. Country: Germany ( GMT +1 ), Blue belt and rank 40000. Anymore quests? Ask away!