I had a race and I was going to help him back up but then he tried to throw me off so I kicked him... and continued but got stuck at the last part because I undershot the last jump a little.... At the last minute I got up but did not have enough time to get to the finish so I jumped away rather than face plant.... lol....
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almost made it.rpl (1.07 MB, 5 views)
Originally Posted by xFUNx View Post
I had a race and I was going to help him back up but then he tried to throw me off so I kicked him... and continued but got stuck at the last part because I undershot the last jump a little.... At the last minute I got up but did not have enough time to get to the finish so I jumped away rather than face plant.... lol....

Nice replay, in your app when you say you like making replays is that single-player or multi-player? Whichever it is can you post your very best one of that? I ask this because I'm too lazy to look through them all but from what I have seen you're doing well.
Im willing to do either single and multiplayer.... I didnt finish but I think this ones my coolest....But its hard to find people willing in multiplayer though
>_< dunno why but when I try to upload and watch all the walls are gone... is it glitched for you guys? =\
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finish next time.rpl (138.6 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by xFUNx; Aug 3, 2011 at 12:16 PM.
I can see the walls so its fine. Well you show skill and you have my Yes I'd like you to become more active on the forums though.
Cool =D well I haven't really had anyone to talk to on the forums but with the clan to talk to Ill have no problem staying active, unless I have excessive homework or things to do but then again Ill probably tell you guys about it soon enough anyway lol... oh and again how many "yes" until I get to join? Sorry if I sound impatient, just eager to be in a clan. =P
Well you have three and you require three so I think your in. I will just wait for David's response as he is the leader to invite you.
Woot anyways.... I forget did I say yes? Eh if I didn't heres my yes. So yea!
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Hey guys,

Ill try to make a long story short.

I use to play Toribash a few years back (obsessed is a better word) but gave it up upon going to college and other things in my busy life. I am 19 years old and i am from Ontario, Canada. I am currently attending school for Mechanical Engineering although I have been able to find a lot of free time on my hands recently and I've been getting back into a lot of gaming. I happened to download Toribash and luckily my account was still alive and well.

I mainly play Akido / Judo although I am much better at Judo. I will be fairly active on the forums but much more active in game (so come play with me dammit).

I am interested in joining you guys because David happened to be the first one to approach me after my thread under the recruitment center. I know this isn't the best way to make a decision but I feel that David and I have a very sexual bond. jokes... But really, I have taken a look throughout your forums and you guys seem like a pretty solid group. I haven't seen any of you guys in game though so tell me where you're at.

PS: I'm a 3rd Dan Black Belt.