Tobuscus, TobyGames, TobyTurner.


I am sitting here in the basement of my home home, not dorm home/school home. But the home from before I moved.
All alone with my hat, Rubix necklace, cellphone... Aaaaand, a Gordon's London Dry Gin perfectly mixed with Tonic. GIN & TONIC, ladies and gentlemen.
SO YOU KNOW THAT PIC OF THAT HAIRY GUY I POSTED? Yeah I went out with him today, and he brought his best friend.
We went to this pizza buffet place, he payed for me, and I had like 5 pizzas and like a apple pie, and like a alfredo pasta. ALFREDO PIZZA IS THE BEST BTW.
We talked aboout sex positions. His best friend is a minecraft obsessor and he's pretty sexy. :U
They're both gamers, anyways yeah. Then after that we decided to walk around for like, an hour. We went into tjmaxx and they tried on all the bras and stuff and I just stood there squeezing my boobs. Then we went to a place we weren't supposed to go, cause we're all rebel and badass, and that's when my friend forced himself to throw up multiple times? Cause he was feeling bad or something but he kept doing it for shits and giggles.
I got it on video ;3 I took pics too, IF YOU GUYS ARE INTERESTED.
Been gaming most of the day.
Woke up, didn't bother putting on clothes, sat down at computer and played some Dead Island with Dubs. After a few hours I decided to go to the store, so I put on some clothes and bought 2 4-packs of cider, lots of noodles, some cookies and a coke. After that I browsed some interwebz for a short while before getting pizza. Been drinking cider and gaming since then.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
Florida is where Tobuscus is from. If you don't know him, he's a Youtube guy, I love him.

You should check him out fruit, except check his vlog channel, TobyTurner. He releases a new vlog everyday of just him talking to his iPhone about random stuff in a really funny way. It's always unedited too, he's just really good at improvising.

Oh, My daily life? Meh... Struggle to get up... don't get up... sleep 'til 2:00 PM.. Use laptop until pass out.

Meh. Youtube.
But okay, cool.
Feeling unmotivated. Trying to write a thing for this thing, and I can't. NOTHING IS HAPPENING WITH MY BRAIN.

Going back to drivers ed place in a couple something minutes for a makeup lesson. Not like, a lesson on makeup. But. Like. Um.

If I started a political party, the mascot would be a baby guinea pig. Baby guinea pig > donkey/elephant/whatever.
Last edited by Acavado; Sep 11, 2011 at 07:37 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
At the library, using the computers. Someone once mistook me for a college student here. It was weird. DO I LOOK OLD TO YOU?

Books are okay.
Returned 4 hours ago from a 3-day canoe trip. Paddling for 3 days, putting up camp at the evenings. It was a new experience, and my arm muscles has grown since I started the trip.
Them girls be impressed of mah paddling powah.
When I returned, what I thought to myself was.
"What I now deserve is: 1. A hot showah, 2. A can of blue Burn, 3. A pack of cigarettes."
Two of the above I bought, one of the above I enjoyed without using moneh.

Yeah, that's about it.
I'm jealous.

Moving within the month.

Cold weather makes my head overact. Hyper-actively. I feel the need to cuddle the wall and my multitasking ability is through the roof. Ground breaking discoveries.
Last edited by Acavado; Sep 16, 2011 at 03:47 AM.
My pet guinea pig, Buddy ze female one, gave birth to three premature babies last night; gave birth to three extremely premature babies. They're not alive, they haven't got any hair, and it's sickening and depressing. Just buried them in the backyard, washed my hands, put away the shovel...

The male started chasing her around while she hid under a blanket squeaking so I spent the entire night laying partly on a layer of guinea pig pellet poop and a pile of hay, protecting a lump under a blanket with my arms and making growling sounds whenever the male, Pup, would try to get under the blanket. It kind of worked. Eventually her younger son clambered in, who didn't seem to try anything besides snuggle (t'was colder than usual), but it drove Buddy out to hide in the closet. Which was fine by me: I mostly closed the doors, let Buddy hide and eat at the hay in there. Cleaned out the old cage, lured the males into the cage with munches, shut the door, let bud' out, bury barely animal creatures. Lots of effort.

Guess it'd be best to separate them permanently...
My girlfriend just called me a few minutes ago, and she wants me back ^___^
Of course I won't live up to what I said and say no to her.
What a good day this is.
So you're taking her back...

C'mon, at least ride it out for a bit. Say no, let her work for it, cause she's been a biiiitch.