Name: Alex. B
Gmt: -6 (CA)
Ban/Frac History: about 8, Damn My nooby days. (all expired)
Forum/Irc Activity: atleast 2 hrs a day.
Past Clans:
I started off in a clan called [empire], this was before the new tag system and we didn't use the forum really. we had the dsc and all but it wasn't much. The leader left toribash without warning so yeah i left, black belt. [Knotz](2nd black-3rd back)was the clan I was in for a loonnngggg time. we did really well as a clan but we had to may haters so I suggested a nae change, then the sparks flew and we became. [Pathogen] (3rd black). Pathogen was notorious and The biggest (not in members) clan on toribash for about a month. Haters got to us fresh from wibbles and brought us down. Now they are [OnKrack] And I'm able to join it whenever. Me and they leader are awsome on sype, chat almost daily.
Best Mod: Aikido, freestyle.
Talents: I am a very good animator, I am a membr on and I'm also tied to I work on collabs with Hyun (creAator of 'Drunken stick'.)
Textures is something i also make, I made my own set and am familiar with gimp.
I think the last thing I'm epic with is Toribash single player and freestyle. I spar, freerun and dance also.
Why do you want to join?: I want to join a respected clan, with strong members and nice people. I'm also muurs' Biffle :3. I am done with trying with unofficial clans. I want to be an adventurer :>
Why should I let you?: Because i am good friends with all the members that I have met so far. I also promise that I will bring what I can for the clans benifit and you can expect me to make promotional material, art and animations for this clan. I like helping people because thanks is just awesome. also I'm very good at toribash. I lead my own org as well, (look at the orgs banners to see my kinda work).
Info about yourself: so yeah like i said, I'm an animator. I am australian but I moved to USA last year wich is when I found toribash. To me toribash is more abut socializing now though.
Replays (3): will do when I get home, I will also show you my animations.
Didney worl mak mah brain go splody
I'm going to say yes, because it's a great app, and you appear to have taken a lot of effort to make it. However, I do want to ask what those ban/fracs were for. Even though you appear to be quite mature, and have thought this out thoroughly, I just want to know the reason for them. You don't have to describe them or anything, just a general idea of what they were for.
#Magnus - #Sigma

I love your app man, you are the guy that I'm looking for this clan

Name: chandler
Gmt: -5
Ban/Frac History: 1 infrac useless post
Forum/Irc Activity:forum 5 out of 10 irc same
Past Clans: none
Best Mod: aikidoBD
Talents: replay making and gameskill
Why do you want to join?: because this clan looks active and new and fresh which are very good things to have
Why should I let you?: because i am very talented and a fast learner
Info about yourself:i am 12 years old and very good at this game and my alt is chandlerb(2nd dan) and i will be very active when the internet gets turned back on at my house but i can still be active
Replays (3):will post sum when i get on my cpu with my replays
I am awesome
Never saw your app Razor.

And Zea, no from me.
Application isn't too good. Not great activity.
Maybe meet ingame or something to see ingame skills?