Originally Posted by ZRENT View Post
Killjaden:yeah i got one replay and how many did you get 5? thats why your not complaining you where actually in it at least
CaptainLOL:how many did you get 6? same thing for you so STFU!

the little difference between us and you is just:
i am the god of this clan and i post alot
i am also one of the oldest clanmembers here

and captainlol also did very much for this clan
and i think about 1000of his posts were written here :P

and what about you?
didn't did anything for the clan except flaming a veteran,huh?
and than you start complaining about fairness etc.?!
every guy gets what he deserves
just think about it
post more
do more for the clan
etc. etc.
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
I'm afraid this is where I draw the line between you guys.

And what I mean by that, is that I'm going to destroy your posts, slowly.

Originally Posted by ZRENT View Post
Noomy, you complain about how you dont get a single thank you and then later you say how the only reward you get is a thank you so do they thank you or not?And you say how it takes you hours to make it, what i see is "it takes me hours to put in 12 of my replays 7 of my friends replays in and 1 to none replays of the people i giveSHIT about!!!We spend weeks planning for it and then you just take over and dont listen to us, we wanted a song, Noomy:I dont give a shit! we wanted our replays in Noomy:I dont give a shit, im fucking tired of noomy doing whatever the hell he wants with the video just because he feels like it and noomy, i would try but because i have a mac i only have a limited amount of softwares i can download im still looking for one to make a video so i can fucking laugh in your face!!!

Edit:Im leaving this good for nothing Clan the only reson i was in here in the first place was cus Ardy was, no one likes me half you know me or even respect me example noomy, I hope the clan dies i dont care about it any more noomy has pushed me over the edge, half of you are probably not even read this and the rest arent even going to care so go play with your fucking fire or whatever i dont care anymore, and to noomy: i apreciated the replay, i just pointed out the fact the you got 12 replays,3 others got about 6 and the rest got 1 or 2, and you know thats not fair.

Alright ZRENT, I'll start with you.

First off, don't call me "Ardy". Makes me feel like a 9 year old junior :3

Second, you do now have the right to flame on them, just be glad that you were in the video and whatnot. It's better than not being in the video.

Third, nobody respects you clearly because you don't respect them as much as you respect me.

That is all.

Originally Posted by Killjaden View Post
if i were you i would just STFU delete this post and go inactive for a while

was fucking respectless
noomy is one of the oldes if not THE oldest guy in diaf
he made this video for absolutly NOTHING
except your fucking complaining?

and if it takes hours for you to create replays it isn't out problem
there wasn't that much time for the replay cause videos like that always oin the edge to be boring
you may needed hours but most werent good if they are not in the video
sorry to say it but that's the way it goes

First, get some good grammar, it states that respectless is not a commonly used word. You were flamming back on him as well, and I want you both to stop it. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in the clan as well.

Sorry to say it but that's the way I go.

Originally Posted by noomy View Post
That was fucking respectless.

If you want to flame somone atleast make it good.

Also, I do care that people didn't get any replays.
i got quotes to prove it.

also from now on im gonna own your misribale ass with quotes

Actually it does. I needa key frame, Velocity change, make moving letters, key frame the velocity, ect... that actually does take ages.

But atleast you tried to shut me down

Didn't fit
Get your facts straight piss bag





Huh where? =P

Now lets play the game show...When zrent flames!


Ill give that a 5/10 the "well your infomation" bit made you sound more like a girl than a gay.

Im sorry. i thought the song turned out great. maybe try to stop listning to that heavvy metal shit, its affecting your brain :<

Anyway...ill give it a 2/10. if you changed the sentance to "And what the hell happned to my Song request that one was Fucking Crap. (which i do)"

that woulda sadly been a 10/10 and quoted for the truth.

Thats all we have tonight folks, You have just been watching, Zrent flams.

On other news


That is all

Hmm, you too, get some good grammar, you used respectless as a word, which is really dull. I prefer no respect ;)

Also, you too were also flamming on him, and apparently I don't take sides.

And you too, when you flame, at least make it good.

And ZRENT a piss bag? I can call you a piss off.

Done with you as well.

Originally Posted by CaptainLOL View Post
Zrent is a douché anyway. I didn't like him.

He double posted like the total n00b he is. And nice one noomy ;)

And you were a douche bag. I also didn't like you that much. And zrent is not a noob, at least I hope he's not. But still, I'm here to end this debate with me destroying your posts. And you also wouldn't be in the clan if you hadn't met me.

Originally Posted by ZRENT View Post
i knew it no one cared ha i expected and i went over your post noomy and if you dont understand my post our a complete dumbass and like i said when i first asked to join DIAF "im still a noob at posting and if you saw i only had about 10 post's i dint check the forums because like youve pointed out who gives a shit about me!

Killjaden:yeah i got one replay and how many did you get 5? thats why your not complaining you where actually in it at least
CaptainLOL:how many did you get 6? same thing for you so STFU!

I think making vids are fun i animate a lot, its 50 percent of the reson i play TB its practically animation.

If you want to flame ZRENT, at least make it offensive.

Originally Posted by Killjaden View Post
the little difference between us and you is just:
i am the god of this clan and i post alot
i am also one of the oldest clanmembers here

and captainlol also did very much for this clan
and i think about 1000of his posts were written here :P

and what about you?
didn't did anything for the clan except flaming a veteran,huh?
and than you start complaining about fairness etc.?!
every guy gets what he deserves
just think about it
post more
do more for the clan
etc. etc.

god of this clan huh? You just got promoted because MYI doesn't have a choice, you would have stayed as an Elite when I was still around. And apparently, when I haven't recruited with you yet, you were a douche bag before I even met you.

If you want to try and destroy my posts, you can die trying to.

That is all.
master of the universe
about the god thing
i don't wanted to say i am something better than you all
i am not
but a rank like god must be represented in a clan video

i like my grammar like it is
and now the childish part:
But zrent started :/
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
Originally Posted by Killjaden View Post
about the god thing
i don't wanted to say i am something better than you all
i am not
but a rank like god must be represented in a clan video

i like my grammar like it is
and now the childish part:
But zrent started :/

True, but you didn't have the right to flame him back. Or else I'd have a turn :3
master of the universe
Nice Ardgevald :3

but im not mad i wasnt in the video i am glad im just pointing the fact once again the some where in it more than others, i was trying not to start an argument on my You Tube post but once again no one listened so got pissed :3 i mean wouldnt you if no one listened to you even if it was a good idea? so i flamed and noomy flamed back and when noomy posted my you tube comment which to me doesnt look offensive at all it was just a simple question "How come some people got all 5 of their vids while some omly got 1 or 2?" then noomy posted saying i was ungrateful and he was removing me from the vid and thats where i got REALLY pissed, that is all i have to say im am not trying to start and argument or trying to get my post destroyed (which im afraid is going to happen).
Last edited by ZRENT; Jul 10, 2009 at 10:33 PM.
Actually this is sorta fun
Terry make a thread on flaming people

Originally Posted by Zrent
How come some people got all 5 of their vids while some omly got 1 or 2?"

I know that isn't ungratful. come to think of it that was childish on my part :/

anyway,The reason i thought it was ungratful at the time as you said. i didn't get a single "thank you" or even a "it was nice" all i got was "do this better, this this... oh and this." That post wasn't directed at you alone, it was directed at everyone who posted.

then i singled out you because of what you said about the song, which sorta got me pissed.And then also you said "what happened to cloren making the video" and i found that offensive.

because i put a lot of work into that, took me about 6 hours at the least.

If you flame me im ready to flame back

Lol i though zrent posted ards post o.o
Last edited by noomy; Jul 10, 2009 at 11:45 PM.
Im sorry i guess i can be ungratfull sometimes and not know it and when i said what happened to cloren making it i dint mean to be offensive i was just shocked that you made it when i was expecting cloren to i dint mean it as if "this is awefull why dint cloren make it" i meant that i thought cloren was making it and when you made it i got confused sorry that i offended you

And i really dont want to leave i just got pissed at the time and felt like leaving.
Last edited by ZRENT; Jul 11, 2009 at 12:28 AM.
say Noomy Why Zrent not like u is it just because he didnt get many spots in the video

also where u able to get my textures to appear