because some moderators are bad moderators.

but more likley, some users don't think what they did was banable, when it often is, and people are just trying to get out of bans by calling power abuse.

edit: woops left this topic opened for a while without refreshing, this is for cake's post

Originally Posted by gabrielll View Post
I love how everyone luvs ishi, and I have never seen any post of him
Also, do you what are your age age guys? If 20+ do you have kids, or wife?

Also most of the senior staff, devs, ninja, etc are 20+, with a few exeptions, i won't reveal personal stuff like kids or marital status though, ill leave that for them if they choose to disclose it

also im not staff but im posting here anyway ha ha ha
Last edited by ishi; Mar 11, 2013 at 02:31 PM.
