Created an account for the free trial, loved it, and did the $40 coins + free account deal. Hit me up if you want to play. Expect me to suck still.
Username: PurpPudding
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

So I played a game as legionaire and my laning partner was moraxus, I tower skipped them for the first 10 minutes and got 4 kills because they were incredibly stupid and all picked melee. Good times. (not saying they were bad, becaues the rest of my team was feeding)
Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
I really don't know what to buy at the beginning of the game, or ingame at all. Help anyone?

And I'm not telling my account name to people who don't know it, just simply because I suck really bad at HoN and I don't want to give it until I get better.

nawrr D: get runes of the blight always the a mana potion and if you carachter is either strenght,agility,intelegence you buy thoese items in the accessory section in the shop

Originally Posted by Lume View Post
So I played a game as legionaire and my laning partner was moraxus, I tower skipped them for the first 10 minutes and got 4 kills because they were incredibly stupid and all picked melee. Good times. (not saying they were bad, becaues the rest of my team was feeding)

lume i added you
Dont you love games, where you start out 4-0-8, ward like a madmad (never more than 2 wards avalible) and your carry cant carry, and end up loosing to a pesti
Originally Posted by yura101 View Post
nawrr D: get runes of the blight always the a mana potion and if you carachter is either strenght,agility,intelegence you buy thoese items in the accessory section in the shop

lume i added you

Never got any request.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
So I played a game as legionaire and my laning partner was moraxus, I tower skipped them for the first 10 minutes and got 4 kills because they were incredibly stupid and all picked melee. Good times. (not saying they were bad, becaues the rest of my team was feeding)

Originally Posted by Tart View Post

I could argue in so many ways that tower skipping with legi is better then jungling.