Heyyyy. My name is Conspire. I'm a 5th Dan. Have no Skype at the moment because I never had the need for it but I will say something later and tell you guys. I'm pretty good at mods like taekkyon , judo , aikido and a lot others. But here is something interesting. I achieved 5th Dan in a few months. My rank is horrible from being afk. So yeah... In real life I have no hobbies. I am in MMA classes love youtube and playing with friends. If you want a replay I can put one in sooner or later :P anyways I am getting more forum active and I actually do look at my PM's on a regular basis. So yeah :P. I almost forgot 1 thing. Btw I am a alt because I forgot my account for the first account I made. :P Won't forget this time.

dont click me


Denied you dont win too many of your games. Get that win % higher and win more of your games and then you can reapply
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Dear WAPOW/krulls
I would love to join you're clan because the rule that you invite people with good intentions and people that are kind. I also would like to join you're clan because i want to play toribash to the skype name is sparky.5757 my favorite mod is aikido big dojo my belt is a green belt and i know you might be like ugh skip me im only a green belt but im decent at the game. my skills in real life is shorin ryu i am a 3rd dan black belt (it is a karate style)and taekwondo im a 2nd degree brown belt in that style. please consider this message WAPOW.

sincerely, Ezbubba
What do you have to offer WAPOW? A lot of derpiness, some attempts to fly on aikido, and I'll take care of da pimp.

What's you favorite mod? Any mod that isn't for fun / parkour / white belts.

How often do you play? Erryday erryhour.

Do you post regularly in forums? Only if I need something from the forums like a texture or something.

Do you check and respond to your PMs? Only if you know the difference between your and you're. I'm not english, and I know the difference, no excuses. >:c

Tell us about your Toribash experience.

Been playing for quite a while, met Mr.K in public judofrac room and kept playing with him as my alt (main in those times). Then we met eachother again in a Quick Aikido and since then we've been talking / playing. First time I ever played TB was in 2010. Then got back to the game in early 2014, and I've been playing since then. Being Sh00 my highest account, and the one I'll keep until I leave this game forever.

Edit; Last time I applied this was needed:
Last edited by Sh00; Apr 17, 2015 at 07:55 PM.

hey Sh00 long time no see. If you can put up with our silliness and all that stuff from before we would be happy to have you back.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Actually half of my games were lost from being afk or just because I was focusing more on typing...

dont click me


so... what your telling me is you have lost around 1.6k games from being AFK
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
I'm not saying that.
This is an alt because i lost my password and there is no way i lost 1.6k games from being afk. That isn't true. I actually win when i try if you don't believe me I can go against you or send a replay. Maybe something is wrong with the forums or maybe not but I know that there is no possible way I've lost 1.6k games. I used to play online all the time and achieved 5th dan in less than 3 months and left. Then I come back and only play a few matches. I know what this account has been through and thats not possible. Besides toribash wasn't even on my computer until last friday when I decided to get back on. You don't have to believe me here but I can guarantee I've never lost 1.6k games. That is impossible unless you've been on toribash for years. If you don't believe me fine I guess I won't join.

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