Originally Posted by Hygencide View Post
Hello and would like to join C3!

I go by Hygen for short.

I am Blackbelt and my Favorite mod is Aikido.

I'm not very active ingame but I can be arsed to get online with a incentive or whatever you like to use.

On the upside of that I am I very active on the forum.

Heres my Tori...
IMG Removed

My age is 18. Link Deleted
Gmt - 5

...And thats my application.

If my opinion matters, a no from me. Posting a pic of you and your tori does not make an application. That's pretty much your entire application, besides saying your not active in-game.

Your app was worse then the previous 3 in my opinion.

Want to try something completely new to the Toribash Forums? Try the 10 Push-up Challenge!

Did you want personal info or what?

I won't post a lame BS reason for app with less... Substance.

I couldn't think of anything so I went with basic TB standards.

[I'll edit it if desired too]
<~legsol> (yes he is gay he is the gayest gay furry ever)
Hey you're cool

Finally, a better(sorta) app

And I know you're really active, I see you around, I'd say a positive leaning neutral at the moment.

Chill here for a while, We'll all like ya I think
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
My vote is a neutral for now. You seem like a nice person, but your application lacks... informative substance. It isn't filled with things that are stupid, like some of the apps that we have already seen, but a little bit more detail about you would be nice.

And finally... an applicant who at least knows when to capitalize a letter and when to use a period. :P
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
how does
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
A great app, in comparison to all the newfags that recentlY applied.
nEutral, I suppoSe.

Edit: I change my vote to FUCKNO.
Last edited by Brains10; Jan 4, 2011 at 09:06 AM.
Originally Posted by Hygencide View Post
Hello and would like to join C3!

I go by Hygen for short.

I am Blackbelt and my Favorite mod is Aikido.

I'm not very active ingame but I can be arsed to get online with a incentive or whatever you like to use.

On the upside of that I am I very active on the forum.

Heres my Tori...

My age is 18. [FacebookForPics]

Gmt - 5

...And thats my application.

At first I was going to say a bunch of insults as a joke but I'm too tired.

In fact, you should totally be in this clan no doubt

Also. Does a big or godly application really decide what a person is like? The fact that some of you are saying no because of his application is utterly ridiculous. The app isn't fantastic. But he tells us what we need to know. What did you expect, a full essay on why he should be in C3? He's obviously an awesome guy, don't judge him on his application more than his personality.
Last edited by Thorn; Jan 4, 2011 at 12:05 PM.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Nice. I wasn't sure if you wanted some sort of personal info or not.

I wasn't about to post I FRIEND WITH ITACHEE because it looks like you've already had several of those types of applications.

How much closer am I to getting in? I'll check back in a minute I have something to work on atm...
Last edited by Hygencide; Jan 4, 2011 at 05:41 PM. Reason: Grammar is an illusion but I have an inner nazi sometimes
<~legsol> (yes he is gay he is the gayest gay furry ever)