View Poll Results: Diman1995 member or not?
3 Votes / 75.00%
1 Votes / 25.00%
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Becasue the flame particle is a texture uploader the same as a head texture uploader, its for adding textures to your flames.

You need to actually pay $25 a month and spend TC to forge flames, or buy a flame first.
Yeah but flames are expensive and lots of people want them so you get your moneys worth in tc back quite quickley =P
guys the servers crushed down all textures dissapiered do u know something about this ? 0.o
DATAZ ... we need more DATAZ

No they havent, there is a bug wit uploading textures at the moment and they are fixing it.

Edit: Also.......I have flame

Soooo what do you guys think?
Last edited by DecapW; Jun 9, 2009 at 08:35 PM.