Endurance Onslaught 6.0
wow for a time i just got sad also i feel good now viewing my name in the list , also for now i will try to help more the org , and more for the merge .

Edit: Also i will start changing my style of start a match for go to the bushido rank , and i know that mean start with a clap with the wrist extended , avoid direct damagin and improve more my throws (i was a long time in decision for do this change on my play style) .
Last edited by Jenson; Aug 8, 2014 at 05:36 AM.
Ok, I just read the merge few minutes ago, in spite of I had read the rumors about it, and I liked the idea of have more members and more ideas to study and more activity here.

This will be interesting.

Also: For those who still don't know: I'm Chris937. Namechanged.
Last edited by iver; Aug 8, 2014 at 05:58 AM.
yes. Also like the alphabetical members list, for a second I thought I had been removed for some reason since my name wasn't in the spot it was before
good name Iver, also go check the Advanced recruitment thread , the beginner recruitment thread and the info , this merge is going really good and now we can learn more and improve more for the Comunity
Originally Posted by JenssonFTW View Post
good name Iver, also go check the Advanced recruitment thread , the beginner recruitment thread and the info , this merge is going really good and now we can learn more and improve more for the Comunity

Yeah, I have lots of threads to read now. I'm working on being updated. And thank you.

Also: I'm getting anxious about a judo championship that I will participate in October. I still need to lose 3 kg. xD And I've been training and studying a lot so part of my inactivity here was because of those things.
Last edited by iver; Aug 8, 2014 at 06:33 AM.
Originally Posted by Yaum View Post
Has this org. Set up an event before?
And you know the aikido and ABD has merged, pls I beg you, don't mention or say anything that compares the two mods to each other, let's prevent any altercation and have a peaceful org. Together

I think we can have peaceful discussions without lashing out and hating each other, don't you think? ;0

And also, no matter how much I hate abd there's no reason to discriminate against it. Especially if we're joining together with TABD.
We can absolutely have abd and gk tourneys once in a while. As long as abd isn't in the majority of the tourneys i'm happy.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Hmm, okay, I'm fine with that, maybe announce it here if you're (the council) planning to host an event, I'd be happy to help with it.
| Team Aikido | Team Philippines | Pure | Fluffyjack | Pain | Poko |
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One thing:
Bushido: The best of the best, this rank goes only to the greatest Aikido players, realism, fairplay and authenticity.

I don't think bushido should be a higher "tier" than abd players. Abd playstyle and bushido playstyle are completely different and should be separate from each other.
I think there definitely is a degree of skill in abd dueling, even if it's just bashing each others limbs off and running/tripodding.

Like Yaum said, we don't want to compete which style is the best. That's up to personal opinion.

(Besides we don't want people to apply to bushido just because it's "better". If they did, they'd never respect our rules and playstyle anyway)
Last edited by Lazors; Aug 8, 2014 at 12:24 PM.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
One thing:

I don't think bushido should be a higher "tier" than abd players. Abd playstyle and bushido playstyle are completely different and should be separate from each other.
I think there definitely is a degree of skill in abd dueling, even if it's just bashing each others limbs off and running/tripodding.

Like Yaum said, we don't want to compete which style is the best. That's up to personal opinion.

(Besides we don't want people to apply to bushido just because it's "better". If they did, they'd never respect our rules and playstyle anyway)

there is nothing wrong in claiming bushido to be the best, afteral many can try to join, but as always just a few will be able to.

nothing wrong in elitism if it actually based on something more complex(skill to throw/fairplay/sportsmanship)

if more people will eventually learn how to, there is nothing wrong too as our other point is sportsmanship and "fairplay", and sure as hell we must market these things as something elite
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Hmm, you have a point snake, I want to make one thing clear, I like abd and aikido equally, that's the reason I applies here too, bushido is fairplay, but if your opponent doesn't use bushido as their playstyle you will have some complications in the fight,
But still bushido is an amazing playstyle to have.
| Team Aikido | Team Philippines | Pure | Fluffyjack | Pain | Poko |
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