You could have fooled me.
I act like a child on the internet as well, but I know when enough is enough, and when to post and when not too.
It's just the way you've been going about posting lately has been quite upsetting. ormo wasn't supposed to be a big spamming place. I mean, yeah posting a lot is cool but half the things I've been seeing is short and within like 4 words. And they don't even really contribute to the situation, it's just your two sense being put in.
Don't get me wrong, you're a cool person, and you're quite funny to be around. But with all respect, just tone back on how "Childish" you act on the internet, or at least with me. Some people like it, but I have too much on my mind right now to be dealing with this kind of thing.

But I'm fine with you spamming in here, because this is what it was made for, not the recruitment thread ;o
It was also upsetting that I was alerted via irc to do my job and came into 3 pages of your cluttering spam with other members. But literately every 2 posts was another one of yours. I don't need that in a job that I barely do as it is ;o I only post in the recruitment thread when I see CnC is really needed/I can actually see they are trying to apply. Because apparently being in ormo is now a socially cool thing, so everybody and anybody applies and just suck terribly. So I tend not to post at all unless I see that are actually trying to get in because they wanna be good at making replays. Such as Manlypotato.

But enough with the ranting. You are a cool guy Zalmoxis, just tone it back a bit buddy
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
You could have fooled me.
I act like a child on the internet as well, but I know when enough is enough, and when to post and when not too.
It's just the way you've been going about posting lately has been quite upsetting. ormo wasn't supposed to be a big spamming place. I mean, yeah posting a lot is cool but half the things I've been seeing is short and within like 4 words. And they don't even really contribute to the situation, it's just your two sense being put in.
Don't get me wrong, you're a cool person, and you're quite funny to be around. But with all respect, just tone back on how "Childish" you act on the internet, or at least with me. Some people like it, but I have too much on my mind right now to be dealing with this kind of thing.

But I'm fine with you spamming in here, because this is what it was made for, not the recruitment thread ;o
It was also upsetting that I was alerted via irc to do my job and came into 3 pages of your cluttering spam with other members. But literately every 2 posts was another one of yours. I don't need that in a job that I barely do as it is ;o I only post in the recruitment thread when I see CnC is really needed/I can actually see they are trying to apply. Because apparently being in ormo is now a socially cool thing, so everybody and anybody applies and just suck terribly. So I tend not to post at all unless I see that are actually trying to get in because they wanna be good at making replays. Such as Manlypotato.

But enough with the ranting. You are a cool guy Zalmoxis, just tone it back a bit buddy

Well I tend to go overboard whenever I do something. Normal or average isn't in my vocabulary and that may cause problems but that whole recruitment thread spam was just harmless fun in my opinion. If I had know it was such a big deal to some people I wouldn't have spammed so much. I do apologize for upsetting you but you shouldn't have lashed out either.

Anyway it's cool with me too, I didn't mind it much.

Also that whole social cool thing has been around from the start I think, and there are always people posting terrible replays and all.

At any rate, I think we settled this peacefully and we can move on
make sure you wear a condem though
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
wow those were some really big paragraphs.
What is happening to ormo chat? I thought we didn't write big paragrapghs geez.
Dcsigs, I take personal affront that you would falsely assume that the intelligent and noble citizens of the glorious organization known as the Official Replay Makers Organization would be unable to carry conversations on the Information Superhighway that last beyond the length of one very run-on and wordy sentence.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games