in what way does using the recruitment thread as a chat thread, despite having one right here, make it more fun?

I don't get it, but you guys dick off and sausage party with each other way more than I do so whatevs.
the goblin
Originally Posted by Marrez View Post
in what way does using the recruitment thread as a chat thread, despite having one right here, make it more fun?

I don't get it, but you guys dick off and sausage party with each other way more than I do so whatevs.

You're just jelly because the recruitment thread got more action in a day than you did in a whole year!

Plus it's not like we actually use that thread almost at all. The people who apply get a reply like after several days if they're lucky. I blame hacks for that.
Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
You're just jelly because the recruitment thread got more action in a day than you did in a whole year!

Plus it's not like we actually use that thread almost at all. The people who apply get a reply like after several days if they're lucky. I blame hacks for that.

If you had a daughter to take care of and 2 full time jobs, you'd realise i dont waste my life spamming the forums and sitting in front of a computer

Now grow up zalmoxis. Stop acting like a child and man up
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
If you had a daughter to take care of and 2 full time jobs, you'd realise i dont waste my life spamming the forums and sitting in front of a computer

Now grow up zalmoxis. Stop acting like a child and man up

It doesn't look like being a grown up 24/7 brings you much joy. I am man enough and responsible enough when I have to but once you lose that part of you that has been with you since you were a kid, I doubt you can find much happiness.

I'll be a kid on the internet since it's fun. And as far as wasting time goes, if I'm doing something I enjoy then I'm good with it.

Also, before you say I'm a kid again, know this: I, as 4th year student in Mechanical Engineering, am the only one in my country studying a field in which I am making my bachelor's degree ( which will also be the first of its kind here), by myself, with hard to find information which cannot be found in my native language. That bachelor's degree will also be published in one or two minor magazines and towards the end of this year I might receive some offers to work in the research field in a foreign country. I've also worked as an intern for a company that's contracted by BMW, Mercedes and Audi, after I've been recommended there by a professor.

Sorry for the long post and all, but since you had a serious answer it needed a serious reply.
Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
Also, before you say I'm a kid again

He said stop acting like one, not that you are one.
For the rest of your post: I almost cared \o/
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Originally Posted by NutHug View Post
He said stop acting like one, not that you are one.
For the rest of your post: I almost cared \o/

I might have phrased that part bad. Oh well.