Lel.. it's not laziness at all. I just have so much work to do.. I have to work during Christmas and new year.. no holidays with family :/
Originally Posted by BBKing View Post
Lel.. it's not laziness at all. I just have so much work to do.. I have to work during Christmas and new year.. no holidays with family :/

Cant you get a day off on either one of those?

i am a bird now - Lil B

What do you work as? Who do you work for? Isn't it illegal to work during holidays?
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Well, 25th and 26th are free.. at least.
But it's ok.. We do a reorganization and I'll get a better position. That means more responsibility.. but also more money. That's good
@Move: I work in a distribution for CDs (classical music)..
Hey guys not in the clan anymore, but I would just like to say thank you for helping me a achieve my dream of becoming a trial gm, with your help I got the ropes on ingame hosting and, I'm ahead of the curve

Thanks a lot, Your pal; Darkexxod

Last edited by Gotti; Dec 21, 2015 at 04:51 AM.
Originally Posted by Greed View Post
And an hour later hes in Evil?

Lel Greed
You missed that story. Don't you? He already left a 3 months ago.. for some reasons.
However. Congrats darkexxod.. hope you learned how to communicate. 'cause otherwise you wont be a GM for a long time. ;P