I'm gonna tell you the same thing about this app that Nitro told you about your app there, though. You're missing things. Read the first post. No clan is going to accept you if you can't even take the time to read about what they want in an application.
The only thing I could have possibly missed is the replays, but I have seen other people get in to Obey without the replays, so with all due respect, it isn't really fair to single me out for that when a few others don't have them either, and they got accepted.
Last edited by VanillaMC; Mar 12, 2016 at 11:56 PM. Reason: Poor choice of words.
Yo Obey! I'd LOVE to join your clan! It'd make me jump up and down my house screaming and possibly breaking my own eardrum...

So, here it is:

Name: (Real name) Laddie. (IGN) SkipBySkip. (I'm an alt. My main is hangover2 but I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere with that account, so I made a new one).

Age: 12 turning Egg on bicycle shoes.

GMT: I've been in about 9 so far and won one when I was yellow belt and brown belt.

Replays: I mostly like doing manipulation replays but I'm a beginner in manups

Competitive Game Modes: ABD, aikido, Boxshu_Mushu_v3, Sumore_v3 and joustingfixed. I also really enjoy tricking, parkour and sometimes I spar once or twice a week.

Info: Well, I live in Australia. When I was 9 I got in a massive fight with my teacher. I have anger problems but I'm over em. I'm an actor, dancer, singer and a beatboxer. I applied for a movie in 2014 but got denied or whatever. and I've been doing hip-hop/freestyle dancing for 6 years.

It'd really be an honour if I'd be able to join because I wanna actually feel like I'm apart of a clan that's actually honest and caring and just makes everyone feel happy. I love you guys!
Last edited by SkipBySkip; Mar 13, 2016 at 12:12 AM. Reason: missspelling
<ZENBOY123> "Skip"
<SkipBySkip> "Shit, what have I done now?
Hello Obey, my name is Brayden other known as Universe. I've been around for quite a while, considering i transfered my QI, and a few items from my old account "Purex" which was created in 2011. I'm 16, my birth date is June 23, 1999. And few interesting things about me is that i have my own company, i'm currently working on it's website (yes, a 16 year old with his own business). Something that isn't really important, unless well you're me i guess? is that i've been dating the same girl for around 4 years. I'm quite active in-game, i try to be on everyday, if possible; forum wise, i'm tend to check everyday, an explanation for my low post count is that i check everyday, but i try not to post unless it's a quality post, i try not to post single word, or irrelevant posts, if you understand what i'm saying. I'm good in aikidobigdojo, grekido, rb_greykido, and taekkyon, i play other mods also however like mushu, jousting, wushu, lenshu, and rk-mma. so that's pretty much things about me, the other things are, of course like you said in your OP, my GMT is GMT -8:00 or EST. For replays, i put them in the attachments, 2 from each mod that i mostly play, so hope you enjoy those. Well that's my application, I hope your enjoy reading it, and i'll be glad to meet you in IRC and/or ingame sometime. Oh, and if you need my skype/and or steam, my skype is riftstudios, and steam is ilegacygaming.