Originally Posted by Dinis View Post
dark souls 2 is one of those shit-tier console ports imo.


This time it was made well for pc. ;)


so I was on the beach
we went behind the rocks to smoke a joint
suddenly 2 guys slowly approach us
we just ignore them cause #y0lo#fuckthepolice
they come talk to us
tell us to get our IDs
we're just shitting our pants saying we don't have em
"what are you doing around here, smoking drugs"
then he pulls out rolling papers
and smiles and says he's also doing that
and we relax
and it was amazing

then I went back to the place we left our stuff
I lie down
I have my eyes half closed so I have like a very cinematic picture in front of me
I hear the backround noises and it sounds like one of those yoga shit soundtracks
I then ate 3 ice creams, one magnum w/ nuts and 2 fizz's.

on the way back I got a monster

I rate this day about 11.2/10
everytime I hear or see someone drinking a monster I safely assume their drinking it with the soul intent of feeling cool

seeing as how monsters fucking disgusting and I don't think any teenager sitting on the porch with the homies needs an energy boost, specifically if you're blazing it seeing as how they have opposing effects energy wise

or there could be someone how there who was born with taste buds that are just inherintely wrong

Originally Posted by Orko View Post
everytime I hear or see someone drinking a monster I safely assume their drinking it with the soul intent of feeling cool

seeing as how monsters fucking disgusting and I don't think any teenager sitting on the porch with the homies needs an energy boost, specifically if you're blazing it seeing as how they have opposing effects energy wise

or there could be someone how there who was born with taste buds that are just inherintely wrong

I drank it on the way back because I don't live too close to the beach. I walked home and it was fucking hot. I needed something cold and I hadn't really tried monster before so y not. It wasn't that bad tho. Kinda sweet as fuck
Originally Posted by Orko View Post
you should take up black tar meth

dude thanks, i need something stronger than coke
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Praise BONDarenko
Originally Posted by Orko View Post
everytime I hear or see someone drinking a monster I safely assume their drinking it with the soul intent of feeling cool

seeing as how monsters fucking disgusting and I don't think any teenager sitting on the porch with the homies needs an energy boost, specifically if you're blazing it seeing as how they have opposing effects energy wise

or there could be someone how there who was born with taste buds that are just inherintely wrong

Y'know the first time i actually had an energy drink i was in grade 5-6 and literally drank the whole thing and stayed up all night and worked out on my grandparents gym set... i was surprised i didn't have a heart attack but its gross now.