Originally Posted by Sticky123 View Post

So guys, I've been thinking on handing bans instead of infractions, you were warned and I -expect- you to be a little smart to understand that this is getting old for me. Stop or I'll go ironfist with you.
Originally Posted by Alan View Post
So guys, I've been thinking on handing bans instead of infractions, you were warned and I -expect- you to be a little smart to understand that this is getting old for me. Stop or I'll go ironfist with you.

oops, Completely forgot quotes don't count as substance for a post, What is the rule of spamming, at least for you as i know it differs between mods, but is it 3 words or for it just to contain some substance?

Already explained it there, you should read that, and if you already did then I am scared of your lack of common sense.

And I quoted another post, not the one above mine, which only had "", I think that can be considered as spam shit in my opinion. I won't be interacting with you anymore nor giving you warnings or heads up, I will simply take action.
Last edited by Alan; Jan 8, 2012 at 11:48 PM.
Alan is srsbsns


Yeah, sorry, I saw that and I was gonna say watch out, but I was busy not being around.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
'ello. I wanna take a part of your clan. I'm 17 and I'm just orange belt but my cousin [Imba]Bird trains me a lot. That's
Originally Posted by NoMoreHeroes View Post
'ello. I wanna take a part of your clan. I'm 17 and I'm just orange belt but my cousin [Imba]Bird trains me a lot. That's


May I enquire as to why you wish to join C3 over all of the other clans?

That’s nice, but if you had bothered to look at any of the previous posts you would have noticed that that is irrelevant!

Well... that is all, Unless you read the first post and previous applications for C3, noticing all of the positives and negatives, taking them on board along with what I have said, then remake your application before anyone else from this clan sees it!

It is for the obvious lack of effort, clear absence of preparation and noticeable carelessness in your application that I am forced to be disinclined to acquiesce to your request!
Last edited by Sticky123; Jan 13, 2012 at 12:18 AM.
You're getting there sticky, but you slightly misworded that last sentence. Also No to the applicant.
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
i wanna say no

so i will


kball is cool and stuff so maybe he should get in out IRC
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.