Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
damn u vip user
well, if i'd passed all of it gimme 100k as prize bby <3

Vip without using any money <3

Originally Posted by Thronior View Post
Let's split those 100k ;) i'll give you a kiss for them :* #nohomo

Was zurük bleibt ist erinnerung
Holy shit dude!
You're everywhere!
I bet if clan subforum's post still counts, you literally be in first position of top shitposters.

Anyways, not much.
And again, we're just sober so pls dont consider us diededed.
Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
Holy shit dude!
You're everywhere!
I bet if clan subforum's post still counts, you literally be in first position of top shitposters.

Anyways, not much.
And again, we're just sober so pls dont consider us diededed.

I'd have beaten mercurite by far already :3

But I'm just a humble man who doesn't count his posts
Originally Posted by Turbocharge View Post
i won a single war...
[im] vs (V)

Awesome! I've never been to a clan war. I hope to join next time though.

Originally Posted by Reshiss View Post
holy hell how many people in here have exams

Me! This week is my last week before my Christmas break. Computer Science is taking so much of my time. :c
Definitely not Josh Lintag
My computer monitor's glitched up, so I replaced it with an ancient 200 BC monitor.

It's terrible, but it's better than no monitor.

I'm getting a wire I need to use another better monitor. I'll probably not be in-game in the meantime due to this terrible screen.