Originally Posted by emilss1004 View Post
actualy that guy called me a faggot ingame >:o

you are a faggot though <3

Originally Posted by koor View Post
HeyGuys, what did I miss?
PS: Sorry for being "ded".

ohai Koor bby.
How you been?

Just gonna... Leave this here. For May.

for May

Last edited by kameron; Mar 15, 2015 at 04:12 PM.
Originally Posted by emilss1004 View Post
holy shit its koor :O wb buddy

thanks! (btw, I also play RS (oldschool))
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
ohai Koor bby.
How you been?

Been playing a lot of CS:GO. I recently ranked up from being a silver 2 scrub.
Silver 3 is the way of life.

But seriously what did I miss?
<@Scorp> koor i love you