Originally Posted by nikag View Post
Hello, my name is nikag, I am currently brown belt working hard for black, I mostly appear in wushu, judo, and mainly GM stuff. I yet work hard for my stuff and hope I can yet become better. I have not been banned once, but have tried to get in other clans but I have had no success. I'm not really that "forum active", but sometimes hang around in Art/Textures. I am hoping to join C3 because I have seen some of your members played and have very well seen they are amazing. I hope you accept me into your clan, I am yet very friendly. - nikag

Yes, I know this is very late. I've been busy. >.<

That doesn't concern us very much. We barely show up in-game, actually.

At what?

May I ask why you think we would accept you? Did you even read the previous applications to figure out why they were rejected? If you haven't realized it, the difficulty to get into this clan is actually higher than a pretty fair number of clans mainly because we focus on intelligence and ability to write (oh, and forum activity) rather than someones ability to play in the game.

That's a type of statement that's a double edged sword depending on the phrasing in the sense that if it exists, you're going to get hurt no matter how you use it. If you were to state that you were very forum active, it would be disregarded since our activity fluctuates. In your case, you're telling us that you're not really forum active which is even worse; it simply states that you wouldn't be able to contribute that much to C3.

That's a stupid reason to join... Let me get this straight: you wish to join because our clan members are skilled and you want to be in the same group as them? Hell no. We just happen to be skilled (if at all as it depends on the person observing), but don't strive for that type of reputation. Perhaps an individual member of C3 does, but our clan as a whole does not have that goal.

Keep hoping; it's not happening.

Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Hello guys I would like to start off and say that you guys are really good at keeping this clan secret and away from most of tori-bash. I would also like to say that im not going to ask you to accpet me into your clan yet because I do not no enough about this clan to join yet. I think that I should wait so I can get to know you better. I am pretty sure this isn't an application but thanks for your time anyway guys.
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".

Sirkill why in h** are you following me around
and also y does it matter
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".

Originally Posted by Sticky123 View Post
That has to be my favourite so far

That GIF was reused quite a few times (I have used so many different GIFs for different applications that I ran out).

If you want to see some funny ones, refer to the following posts or go to page 37 (I think) of our application thread and read on for the rest of the pages. Note that if you're using an extended view like I am, it should start at page 10.

This accounts for a fraction of the stupid applications that have been submitted to C3. And yes, I do take note of things like this.

Originally Posted by kball View Post
Hello guys I would like to start off and say that you guys are really good at keeping this clan secret and away from most of tori-bash. I would also like to say that im not going to ask you to accpet me into your clan yet because I do not no enough about this clan to join yet. I think that I should wait so I can get to know you better. I am pretty sure this isn't an application but thanks for your time anyway guys.

I suggest that you join our IRC to get to know us before you post an application. Something else to note is that you should have posted this in our offtopic thread for two reasons: A - The majority of C3 members pay attention to that thread than the rest of the board, and B - This thread is mainly for applications (though we seem to go offtopic here quite a bit...)

Originally Posted by sirkill1 View Post

Originally Posted by kball View Post
Sirkill why in h** are you following me around
and also y does it matter

Keep random interactions like this somewhere else, please.
Last edited by LastGod; Jan 7, 2012 at 03:32 PM.
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Originally Posted by TheJFX View Post
I'd like to join C3 because my friends from LWD are in here and im finding myself with more time on my hands then usual. Also because i wish to pawn other-clans in their tiny other-clan faces. I don't go for cash, have none, troll way too often, rage at stupid crap, and tend to hate people like sam... er catastrophe.
I'm GMT -5, decently active, know atleast a good portion of those in c3, am epically skilled and pawn everyone and everything i see, and I. Am. A second Dan. David told me to put my penis size, so I will inform you that I am 9001 nano-meters long. In continuation of this application, I am entirely out of idea in order to make it longer, besides, of course, an application pump. Those however, are very difficult to find, as they have mostly been replaced by application weights and application surgeries. I am told that the length of my application can be increased by as much as three inches, but only when its soft. i mean, when its short. Yeah.

Lol, why lastgod never ripped my application apart is beyond me. Not even sure how I made it into c3. THIS IS WHY IM HOT.
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
he accepted because you told him your size lol
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".