дембель еще не скоро: в конце мая, главное, что через 2 недели у меня будет свободный доступ к компьютеру.
yep! I'm back!
Leaving toribash
Since i leaving tb.
IseeU: u was, is, and will be best
Tman: that was a big lucky, that i was in 1 crew with you
Advakat, Meres: you are youngest part of silver, and u r pretty strong. Hope meres will change in better side. RAWR <3
Hug: Fucking troll, but u are good boy too, specially in art
Radogoshi: we r together since cms creation, good that we still together
Wil, Trot: unfortunately i can say that we just needed to speak more
wwolfer: u aren't in silver, but i love u babe <3
Bye, with a lot of love.
i will still leader, and maybe will visit forum.
New leader is Tman, gratz
Last edited by USB; Oct 6, 2011 at 04:27 PM.