Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
cocacobra's long anticipated re-application
Well, hello there once again, my name is Brendan and I'm interested in joining C3. I'd like to consider myself a laid back and relaxed type of guy. I'm 16 and I know a few of you guys from a while back and I think that this is my sort of crowd. I like meme's, create them and understand them. Also all the old timers will know why I specifically remembered to use this color for my application.What I would like to add to this clan, is another witty, smart and cool member. Also I'm a pretty tech savvy and all around helpful guy. Please consider this application, and hopefully soon I could consider myself as a member.

P.S. I don't spam like slibache or at all

Just for nostalgia, let's look back to the application you submitted WAY BACK in August.

Not necessarily... I completely forgot about you and therefore did not anticipate this app recreation one bit.

Elaborate on why you think that this is your sort of crowd. Also, out of curiosity, what kind of crowd do you think we are, anyways?

Telling us that was utterly useless.

That color is actually very repulsive. STOP IT.

I tried reading that out loud with the comma there; I hurt my throat. Learn when to use a comma.

I'm not so sure about that....

So am I. Is there anything else that you would bring to our clan?

Consider vs. Acceptance <- Know the difference.
Don't get your hopes up.

Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post

That was actually sarcasm because I know nobody gives a shit.

Well, you guys are relaxed (for the most part), not fussy, and have some good humor. I don't have a specific label but I would say the forumites, I also could care less about ingame now.

The use on that is that it describes me a bit.

Cool, didn't think you'd use an the same color three lines underneath this.

It was pretty late when I made this application and just because I added that comma there doesn't mean I don't know how to use commas, I use them all the time correctly. (teehee)

Didn't even know that you knew me.

Another person who plays other games, uses the irc, and is active on the forums.

I was waiting for you to rip my butthole to shreds

sstickyballs ikr

Then don't say it.

If that's a description of you, what you're essentially saying is that you're utterly useless.

At the very least, I didn't use it for the entire length of my response. Also, you used the wrong color to connect your response to its corresponding response

You used a comma where you should have used a semicolon; those are two separate clauses.

Surprise, then.

That accounts for the majority of our applicants. Sadly, that includes the ones who have been rejected. Anything else?


Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Hello, my name is nikag, I am currently brown belt working hard for black, I mostly appear in wushu, judo, and mainly GM stuff. I yet work hard for my stuff and hope I can yet become better. I have not been banned once, but have tried to get in other clans but I have had no success. I'm not really that "forum active", but sometimes hang around in Art/Textures. I am hoping to join C3 because I have seen some of your members played and have very well seen they are amazing. I hope you accept me into your clan, I am yet very friendly. - nikag
I'm alive, also hi sticky, also no to cockyman and that last guy.
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
Hey JFX, and neutral on Nikag as i can see potential is there but your application needs serious work.

Oh and i change my vote for Cocacobra from a yes to a no as:

1. From the way your responding to LastGods Criticism i can tell your a penis face.
2. Nearly everything you have said is complete and utter bullshit.
3. You have disregarded advice i have given you which would of removed some of LastGod's Criticism but NO, you decided that your bullshit sounded better.
3. You called me sstickyballs, i mean honestly am i not even worthy of a capital letter?!?

I would like to conclude by saying theres the door and

Last edited by Sticky123; Jan 2, 2012 at 11:42 PM.
I'm going to have to say no to coccacobra due to past faggotry, but if someone can persuade me otherwise, I'll change my answer.
Also no to nikag, App is pretty shit, maybe if he tried I'd reconsider.
Toriprime/VIP local moderator | Colon 3 | 4th dan
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[19:12] <&MrManiac> I kept pooping in my pants
Ummm yeah no to cocacobra, the original app was alright but I don't appreciate the dickiness towards the people he's trying to get into a clan with.
Also nikag, more work would be appreciated on the app, so no...
Bro wasup doomwaflef motherfucker?!?!

Yeah- no to cocacobra now.. Sorry.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.