Woah, christ, that would've been scary. Probably would've jumped up and shat my pants if that happened next to me.

Should have cut yourself a little bit and say it hurt you and you have to go home.
Omg, you guys write a lot.
Hello guys, just passing here to wish you the best for the clan. It's looking great and improving fast. IIInsanEEE: nice work on the clan's art :>

And two question: What is (TLDR)?? Why so large? :L
Largeness is impressive. We are a group of impressive men ;)

tl;dr means 'too long, didn't read' - or it could also mean 'the ludicrous dead rhinos'.
Yea, found our place to express our overthoughts, who thinks a lot writes a lot. I appreciate your appreciation on my art, Jodus, you know I see you as a really nice artist and this means something to me, but sit tight, awesome stuff is coming :O

Also Ele is 50% right, TLDR, besides "Too long, didn't read" means also "The Little Duche's Resort"
Guys, stop lie please.
"Trust lil' Duck Roger" is the correct option :]


Art thread | Don't bother me with requests etc, this artist died.
Hello Horny, I'm doing fine today, almost going home from a nice 8h shift, going to finish some sets and then sleeeeep like a babe.

^We still need this items? I'm going to buy some from this list so if someone didn't finish something in this list tell me
Art thread | Don't bother me with requests etc, this artist died.
That's ok Noir, just remember to buy only Forces and Laxes, send them to Link and post it here so we can update the dsc, actually PM Link about it and ask if he didn't bought any of these, in the end Link should have the forces and laxes so he can do the last step of the transaction.

Obs: These purchases are not refundable and are going 100% directly to our TLDRSack for prizes to our tourneys.
hey guys i would recommend against using Jungian personality types to gauge applicants' worth... it's a pretty controversial idea that there are only 16 personality types, and isn't very reliable. i've taken it twice in a month and scored both ESFJ and INFP

that's all, just wanted to offer some feedback
im here to ruin your fun