srsly... sure i can but not now i gonna play some lol with some firends so later
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
Watch out with that mob because everybody can steal it , you have to watermark it .

i konow i know... so it is only a early sketch so dosent matter. i think hehe ;-)
Originally Posted by xXSJXx View Post
Okay, guys here is the member pic -_- i didn't get so many poses so.. we are only 4 ppl in it.. hope you like it:

wow.. thats amazing bro well done! ;-) i think there is place for 3 more persons.. so will u keep working on that?
and another thing is.. u have to edit darkers texture (set) to it..

so anyway.. it is awesome.... and i like it! ;-)
Originally Posted by Pyblus View Post
Hey guys I won some duels yesterday so i've sent 500tc to the clan bank
Wow Mobin I saw the replay and its awesome!!! Just joking, I can't see it I don't know why xD

Bwt,I need someone to practise for the clan league,who wants?

yyeah i know.. that replay isnt there.. -.- i feel like crying when i think about that.. :-(
Last edited by mobinladen; Jul 11, 2013 at 12:30 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump me "mobin"...[flip]
Hey guys sry for my inactivity yesterday!
And SJ nice work dude but u should putt my texture and skin in the pic T_T(just type ''/dl darkerharder'' and u have my stuff)
Hey i made a new replay today!And i think my backward suck :/ so what do u think?
Last edited by Darkerharder; Jul 11, 2013 at 05:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
just a fancy signature
Guys aim home right now... Will be ingame in some minutes
Let's make a flip only server to train for the league??
Originally Posted by Darkerharder View Post
Oups i forgot the name:/
And finaly i find it

hahaha XD nice!
Last edited by mobinladen; Jul 11, 2013 at 07:21 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump me "mobin"...[flip]
Originally Posted by bugbunny6 View Post here is a pose for something that ive forgot

Nice thank u. And it is for the member picture sj is working on. me "mobin"...[flip]