Originally Posted by Surge View Post
Too old :/ I wonder if it would be possible to run a chess/connect 4 tourney, but I guess we would have the problem of people using others' accounts and we wouldn't be able to tell who is who.

A chess tournament would be awesome but I'm gonna wreck you all ;)
We certainly have some TC to spare for events and stuff, I could try to figure something out

Would you prefer it to stay in the clan or be public?

As a side note, I've made a Trial rank where we'll put new members for a couple of days until we think they're good enough to become a full member.
Last edited by Surge_old2; Oct 7, 2017 at 10:13 PM.
Originally Posted by Surge View Post
We certainly have some TC to spare for events and stuff, I could try to figure something out

Would you prefer it to stay in the clan or be public?

Not sure, but we'll certainly have to get some anti-cheating software

I'm not sure if a lot of people would interested in a chess tournament, though
Perhaps not, and idk what sorta software we'd be able to get, if anything at all

I'll think of some different ideas and let you know
Bod hosted a chess tourney a while ago, and it went pretty well, so I think we could do something similar. Clan or Public doesn't really matter to me.

also, welcome our newest recruit, EradeoStart!


We should be able and host it on or lichess. Does anyone have a link to the chess tournament thread?

Welcome EradeoStar
Originally Posted by Kriegery View Post
We should be able and host it on or lichess. Does anyone have a link to the chess tournament thread?

Welcome EradeoStar

Here it is

And welcome Era
Originally Posted by Kriegery View Post
Sure lichess or What's you elo if you have one?

I'm 22 connect 4 is solved, though ¯\_ツ_/¯

My elo is pretty bad haha and I use
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Originally Posted by Quack View Post
My elo is pretty bad haha and I use

What is your elo?

Originally Posted by Surge View Post
Dude, I would be even worse, I suck at chess, I can hardly remember what each of the guys do

Thanks for the link, I'll think about a tournament style/event if you want me to I've a premium membership at so I should be able to host a real tournament on itself.
Last edited by Krong; Oct 7, 2017 at 10:49 PM.