say the shit:

I love the opener, it is very fluid and styleish

the manipulation part had alot of grabs,but it still looked good

you could get the core without losing your foot

invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i acually tried to get this dms without losing my foot and i failed everytime.
umm just noticed 10k views o.o wtf
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I asked god for skills. He said no way:

opener is nice

first trick was cool, but it could get more air

the second trick, had very little spin, and it was slow

transition to next trick was nice

third trick was sexy


I think you should do madmans like your're tricking, Take kicks like your doing a kick in tricking, etc.
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
tricking is tricking and madman is madman.
i cant even do one of them completely right so what about both in once .-.
The madman is way too slow and has way too sloppy of kicks. Also the abruptness and confusion of your direction just makes the replay look really bad.

The tricking one has an ok start but just declines from there. Yours spins aren't really spins, and dont have any speed to them. Also the floppiness of your transitions just add salt to the wound.

dont extend your feets it looks weird contract is better
i know when you have to lauch for a trick it takes power that is provide by extending your ankles but after contract your feets , you can spin more.
Born to Be RM.