I'm pretty sure you can specify the framerate fraps records in, as in not being stuck to 30 fps.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Are you using someones engine or wroten by you ?

Oh yeah game maker
Nice game BRO good luck with game designing
Last edited by XeoN365; Aug 30, 2012 at 01:52 AM.
Thanks mate, i'm glad you decided to look around a bit. ;)

@Tapion: Tried that, didn't work. It jumped right back to 30 FPS when i started recording, much to my dismay. :c

In other news, here's a preliminary list of the skill upgrades:

Offense (both guns?):
1. Damage: +2 damage (both guns)
2. Faster firing: -33 ms for both guns
3. Splinter supers: Super shots now splinter enemies if the upgrade is owned
4. Piercing shots: 50% chance for shots to pierce one (additional) enemy, +1 damage
5. Damage II: +0.2x damage multiplier
6. Fragment power: +2 fragment damage (5 --> 7)
7: Piercing shots II: All shots pierce one (additional) enemy, +1 damage
8: Spread super: Super shots now fire in a spread if the upgrade is owned

1. Dash: Quick dodge, possibly invulnerable for a short time (+2% armor)
2. Crash armor: -25% crash damage (+3% armor)
3. Shield integrity: +20% shield hp, +10% shield armor, +15% shield gate (+3% armor)
4. Dash II: Fully invulnerable, shorter cooldown (+4% armor)
5. Crash armor II: -25% crash damage (stacks) (+4% armor)
6. Shield integrity II: +20% shield hp, +10% shield armor, +15% shield gate (stacks) (+4% armor)
7. Frontal dampers: Take 20% less damage when moving forward (+5% armor)
8. Frontal dampers II: Brief 80% damage reduction after pressing forward (+5% armor)

Everything still subject to change, but they stack up nicely at the moment. Going full offense, you'll end up with 17 base damage, which will then be subjected to either a x0.7 or x1.2 multiplier (depending on spread shot) for a total of 11.9 or 20.4 damage per shot. On top of this, you shoot faster, all your shots pierce at least one foe, your fragments are more powerful AND your super shots can potentially be spread splinters. Long story short, glass cannon build.

Going the defensive path, you'll end up with a total of 50% armor, an invincible dodge move, 50% protection against crash damage, a VERY strong shield (heavy shield will have 35 hp, 20% armor and 80% shield gate) and the ability to essentially tech (most) enemy attacks for much less damage. The last ability requires some skill from the player, but is more controllable than the dodge (which will NOT save you from collisions), and has a much shorter cooldown. So basically, you're a stonewall.

Now obviously, you can mix the two, but too much mixing will prevent you from getting the final upgrades in the tree(s). Any input on this? (as in the whole skill tree and such)

Also, you might be wondering why i've opted fro Dash rather than Barrel Roll. The answer is animation. I MIGHT take up the challenge later, but not right now.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Sounds like it's gonna be a difficult choice between the two of them :O

On another note

Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
As it should be. ;)

also hey guise


New skill system almost entirely implemented, i just need to do dash and frontal dampers. And a few more details on this menu, of course.

Also, more news: Me and Chartle have decided to scrap the saving system entirely. It's not like it's a very long game, and the saving system is just ridiculously clunky to work with. Also, without a saving system, it feels more arcade-y. :U (and also brings the option of permadeath for the hardcore players)

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that estimated release date is somewhere during November, provided that the current rate of progress keeps up. I still reserve the right to delay without reason, though.

Oh, and i've also fiddled with the effects, so there's a LOT less particles being spawned when enemies die. This did reduce performance impacts at 60 FPS, so that's nice.

Final news bit: At some point in the near future, i'll try contacting Danny Baranowsky about whether he has any interest in making music for this whatsoever, and if so, what kind of cost i'd be looking at. The man makes unbelievably good music, so i reckon it's worth a shot. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Great news buddy!
Looking forward to this!

Waited so long. ;_;
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Awesome update, the gameplay is nice, and the huge amount of ships make it feel like it's about the highscore.

This game gets my A/10, grats.

Also I love the upgrades and the pixel art.
Last edited by pusga; Oct 29, 2012 at 08:52 PM.
oh yeah
yes! yes Yes YES!
That somewhat-tree looks amazing, glad you added more stuff that I suggested(being egocentric)
Anyway, looks great so far, not so sure about the no-save idea, but heck, if it makes the game harder then go for it.
Also spread-super shot for the win!
Can't wait any longer ;_;
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
Hang on a little longer, there's not all that much left to do! Allow me to list it down:
- Dash and Frontal Damper skills
- More details on skill menu
- Access to the skill menu for normal dudebros
- Levels 11-14

Those are the necessities, anyways. Optional things if we finish quickly:
- Options menu
- Proper difficulty selection (with more difficulties)
- Conversion of music from MP3 to something nicer so volume can be changed in-game

So yeah, boss not planned for this version. SO MUCH SPRITEWORK.

Anyways, to reply to you concern about saving, i realized how silly level selection was when i also realized how much time i spent on making sure the player wouldn't have to grind. Chartle and i then came to the conclusion that saving in general was super clunky to work with, and since it realistically won't take much more than 30 minutes to get from start to end, it's quite limited how much progress you'll lose anyways. Besides, removing saves might actually improve the longevity. :U

also yeah spread super is a thing of glory hee hee

@pusga: Thanks broheimtulator! And speaking of which, we gotta figure out a way to do some high score shizzle, because otherwise there's not much sense in having points at all.

@JellyNinja: Awesome, i'm glad you're looking forward to it! c:
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol