Nice application cocacobra, there is not much to fault and you seem to be liked by other members, one thing though which I might bring to your attention is the following, ( had to quote LastGod from my first application as he sums it, well perfectly )

Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Please consider this application

Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
I should point out to you that there's a major difference between "consider" and "accept". We will consider you (we technically have, since we read your application), but there is no guarantee that we will accept you. Putting this statement in your application was utterly useless.

Other than that it's a yes from me.
Last edited by Sticky123; Dec 30, 2011 at 05:13 PM.
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Ends in yes, must be yes.

Yea I was having some trouble on that last sentence, I'm going to change it. Thanks for the yes's if that first one is considered a yes.
Actually nevermind, I like the last sentence and I think it ended very nicely.

Ok i was only trying to help but if thats what you think im cool with it.
I say fuck.

I'll think of something along the likes of yes or no in a while

after i stop being manic
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.