k... i i'll need more time then... also i will remake the bank one, the Leader is f*cking dificult.... probablily my worse idea thinking i'm agaist the time...
Originally Posted by Fear091 View Post
Invisible Pink Unicorn ftw?

Originally Posted by Fear091 View Post
Buddhism ftw?

Originally Posted by Fear091 View Post
Well, if Gods do exist they're pretty shit.
My opinion, please.

Fear... i think that was bad argumentations...
in my look the religion was made to explain things we don't know and give us some hope, almost the same of the myths, religion is a dogma... and have to be respect to everybody, example:
Originally Posted by Fear091 View Post
Well, if Gods do exist they're pretty shit.
My opinion, please.

this is disrespect one religion....
and this:
Originally Posted by Fear091 View Post
My opinion, please.

Can not undo it:
Originally Posted by Fear091 View Post
Well, if Gods do exist they're pretty shit.

U can't insult one God, this can be important for somebody... a God or even something a person believe, Buddha, Chronos, Zeus, Ra... etc
Especially you Fear u need to be more impartial, not totally , even because u need to expose your idea, your side of religion..
Please do like everybody here give your opnion with criticism and argumentation, what will increase something and be more impartial possible...
Nice ones Mac, nice ones.. the lenshu one the best.. the switch the worse, also i wanna play with u and Glawl Lenshu2.tbm :3
Originally Posted by PV2Caribou View Post
fear look back one page...catch up...


Originally Posted by jcmert View Post
I rrly wanna try that...

Let's do it then