I think if i was a bug, i would have a jaw like a lampray but they all would rotate back and forth, so that i could get threw all body parts, than i would live by crawling into your bones and laying eggs..... i think that i would be the most feared bug "Ever!" Beat that for off topic.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Lol how about: "lol lol lol fdfugjhdjfc dsapUIDFH OWSD ID OWL INVASION"

Just look at the first 15 pages or whatever lol.

Btw you guys got less original with your offtopicness... :P
Nothing to see here.
OMG !!!!
owl invasion will be our doom!!! GATHER THE RESISTION put up wind mills and fish nets , DAMN THOSE OWLS FROM HELL !!
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"