Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
lighntinglenshu is thebest mod of all time

Can confirm. Grabbing from half way across the dojo is freakishly awesome to pull off in lightninglenshu.

Also hi Parrot! How are you guys?
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
Can confirm. Grabbing from half way across the dojo is freakishly awesome to pull off in lightninglenshu.

Also hi Parrot! How are you guys?

You posted your application in the wrong thread.

I'm good thanks for asking.
Curious aren't you.
Hello ruffian even though you posted in the wrong thread I think youre accepted,but you need to leave the inferior bird clan before you can be invited
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
No I'm pretty sure I posted in the correct thread. Also duck is far more superior.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Originally Posted by apple123 View Post
Have you ever tried torisex.tbm?

have you tried wushu_epeen.tbm or daycare.tbm?

rfifan denied
Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
No I'm pretty sure I posted in the correct thread. Also duck is far more superior.

Is it because ducks can speak?
Case closed.
Curious aren't you.