Endurance Onslaught 6.0
got bored last night and doodled boxes lol http://imgur.com/u6Sdr3J,ewMjZdh,gxe...0T87Yg,N0209wG

btw the "racist one" is not racist it's dissing on women rights because they come last xD
Last edited by Jak; Apr 13, 2014 at 05:02 PM.
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Nice seeing beta still lingering around :P
Guys in about a month ill start making a big ass how to aikido guide, something like the Team Wushu one.
I will start with the basic stuff and what someone should think when playing aikido.
So I need your help to make it better. Send me some things that you think basic about aikido and some more advanced stuff. Also send me that is your special thoughts of aikido for the most advanced part where people start creating their style of playing.
I will start making it after my final exams end so 20/5 I guess I will be able to finish it by 1/6
I need your help so if you can pm me your style I will include it.
I will make a threat and from there we can edit stuff, put replays and maybe some artistic pictures that will show proper balance and forces
Lets make this happen!
Last edited by Possesed; Apr 16, 2014 at 05:29 PM.
Ooh, it's Beta. Hi!

Awesome plan you've got there, Possesed!

I'll just shoot you a PM once I've collated a list of stuff that I believe is integral to playing Aikido, both in the most basic sense and in more advanced ways.

Also, as far as Aikido guides go, Fear made one last year. It's still unfinished at this point in time.

Here's the link: Fear's Big Book of Aikido

Maybe you can use that as a template for your guide. You could also quote some of the useful stuff in there. It's your buffet, mate.

Hope this plan comes together. Just hit me up if my help is needed. Cheers!
I was discussing this with Possessed yesterday, I managed to find two fully completed guides which are to a very high standard. But they were all focused on how to improve your aikido skills but not how to develop them. My idea was to create some sort of Aikido for dummies sort of guide.

Inform people of basic momentum, balance and what to grab etc. As the majority of guides are focuses on abd rather than aikido.

Also, I will be rebuilding the council in the next few days. So if any regular member feels as if they're worthy to be a part of the TA Council then please send an application to me with all the basic details of what you can do for us and how you will benefit the organisation.

Hurray for change \o/
You guys are really motivated. :v
I would like to do something to help.

Also: Well, I won a gold medal in the local championship and I was classified to the national one. yay

10 seconds fight in the final :v It wasn't really hard ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkDssI8IDps - I am the orange belt guy - The white belt guy is not really a white belt, he said he was orange belt too... he was trying to troll). I just used a simple ko soto gari. :P

Yesterday I enrolled in an online course from MIT. Something about elements of structures. I think it will be nice. I must learn derivates and integrals until 3rd June. .-.
Last edited by iver; Apr 16, 2014 at 02:03 AM.
Heyy, i think there's a long time i don't post here... my fault. Anyway, i think i'll back, i was really closed on my own board these days.
Idk possessed I have been told I'm ok at sparring. I dang near never do it so my advice would simply be empty words that aren't helpful sorry .
To be honest, I was (and still kinda am) confused, because at the start of Possesed's post, he says he's gonna make a "how to spar" guide, but the rest of the post talks about content that would go well with a "how to play Aikido" guide.

I dunno. Must be just an innocent typo or something.
guys, why is kingsta leader, he is many noob
I sell TC and I give loans. PM me for info.
Need help with market? PM Ryan
<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

Wow i didnt realise I am writing how to spar wtf was I typing. Yep I want to make a guide on how to aikido and what is the mentality behind it.
Help me with your advice.