Originally Posted by Giantz View Post
Yeah, denying creeps and towers would be a plus. But this more of a casual game, so it's not as in-depth as some DOTA games out there.

I prefer it as it means you won't be denied AND outfarmed by a better opponent.
niiice first time gp... tankplank rocks so hard in jungle... his ult is toooo broken
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Worse your money. How many skins you have?

Why you need nerf on Fiddlesticks? He's not good farmer or pushing a lane. And, He's too squishy if he gets ganked with CC.

Pro tips: Need Banshee's Veil or Quicksilver Sash or more Magic Resist items. It may easy to beat Fiddlesticks on 1vs1.
Last edited by Chris; Oct 29, 2011 at 11:11 PM.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
Holy fuck Fiddlesticks needs a nerf.


Is his fear still five seconds long or something?
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Is his fear still five seconds long or something?

3 second fear with a 6 second cooldown.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by Chris View Post
Worse your money. How many skins you have?

Why you need nerf on Fiddlesticks? He's not good farmer or pushing a lane. And, He's too squishy if he gets ganked with CC.

Pro tips: Need Banshee's Veil or Quicksilver Sash or more Magic Resist items. It may easy to beat Fiddlesticks on 1vs1.

I hate people that go "hur just build [mresist/armor] to counter [champion"

Armor counters lee sin, it also counters twitch.

Mresist counters fiddlesticks, it also counters eve.

T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ