hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
nothing lol
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Originally Posted by Kuttle View Post
No, I will not be nice to somone who is not nice to me over some little Kiddy stuff, yall aren't seeing WHAt your friend rittu did, he is not being nice why should I yet he's yalls friend so ofcourse yall wont say anything and turn against me. Atleast I tried and it all backfires. Learn some respect :/

The point that you do not understand here, is he was op of the server meaning he can kick anyone he wants for any reason.

If you fail to understand that then you shouldn't be playing toribash if your going to cry and pitch a hissy fit every time you get banned from a server.

I :3 I am going to apply soon
I'll stick with a neutral for now. Kuttle is showing a lot of dedication in trying to get into C3 (posting even now), so I will give her kudos for that. The issues though are: lack of effort put into the application; evidence that arguments are bound to pop up frequently between our members and her; behavior based on chat logs in the IRC show immaturity.

When I speak to her personally in the IRC, I will change my final vote to something tangible, or when she gets accepted or denied, whichever comes first..
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Lol @ antei Shush this has nothing to do with your skank ass. And I have already been rejected as I heard So don't waste your time