Originally Posted by JuicyTin View Post
Name: Yohan Joseph
Age: 14
Belt: 2nd Dan
GMT: -5 ( Tropical Island ; Antigua and Barbuda )
Past Clans: [Ethr] , [Fluo] , (Brave)
Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): Xyor

Can You Spar? (Provide 3+ Replays If Yes): I'm practicing and trying to do my best. But I cannot spar properly at the moment, so that's a no.

About Yourself: I'm 14, enjoying life in the caribbean, trying to pursuit a career so I can be set in life.

(Question by DrunkenMonkey): How many boats can you fit in your butt?

(Question by Yusi): If someone touches you, and you liked it, is it considered rape? : Well it matters, where did touch you.

I'm neutral for you now, i don't know you, find me in-game, etc..

Originally Posted by ninjahead View Post
My name is Jalen Jason Turpen.

I am 15 years old.

I am a 10th dan black belt.

My GMT is -4 hours.

I have been in too many past clans. Xp,onyx ,and shield are just a few.

Thought I wouldn’t consider this a special skill I could probably host events. I am very active in-game.

I have had no previous accounts.

I don’t think I have acquired any recommendations from anyone.
Though I am friends with lots of eVo members.

I am good at aikido, wushu, abd. That is mostly what conversations though. I am a middle child. My family dislikes toribash . I am thoroughly in love with toribash though hehe.

WHY I REVOKED MY APP: Well for one I was being dumb. Next I wasn't sue my app was getting payed any attention. I was also very impatient. Now though I have leaned that to get unit eVo you must have patience and try not to rush things. You all have lives and othe things going on so I must respect that.

WHAT/WHY I WANT TO JOIN:I have almost all my Friends in toribash in this clan. You guys are all very well established and very mature players which is another appealing hong about this clan. You all also know how to have fun ,and when to joke around . I feel like I am the same in many ways. You are also very cool fellows to just chat with. I have had conversation with a lot of you. Lastly you all are very respectable players and people.

WHAT I COULD BRING INTO THE CLAN:Well as of now mostly activity and just somebody to talk to. Though once I home into my tricking I plan on making replays for your amusement and what not. I am getting help from guys like flash warrior platabear.

I will do what ever it takes to get into the clan. I will gain whatever amount of skill you find necessary for me to Join. I will work endlessly to get where I need to be to join eVo. I feel this is where I am best suited. Thankyou for reading my new app.

Well, i know you, you're a nice guy, in-game i can't say nothing, because i suck at aikido, but yeah, you seems to be good enough. In my opinion would be nice to see you with our tag, you got my yes.
Never inactive, just slow sometimes.
bulldoboy 4 life <3

Haha torio you already voted on me. I couldn't find my old app to attach this new one to. Thanks again though ahah.
Originally Posted by ninjahead View Post
My name is Jalen Jason Turpen.

I am 15 years old.

I am a 10th dan black belt.

My GMT is -4 hours.

I have been in too many past clans. Xp,onyx ,and shield are just a few.

Thought I wouldn’t consider this a special skill I could probably host events. I am very active in-game.

I have had no previous accounts.

I don’t think I have acquired any recommendations from anyone.
Though I am friends with lots of eVo members.

I am good at aikido, wushu, abd. That is mostly what conversations though. I am a middle child. My family dislikes toribash . I am thoroughly in love with toribash though hehe.

WHY I REVOKED MY APP: Well for one I was being dumb. Next I wasn't sue my app was getting payed any attention. I was also very impatient. Now though I have leaned that to get unit eVo you must have patience and try not to rush things. You all have lives and othe things going on so I must respect that.

WHAT/WHY I WANT TO JOIN:I have almost all my Friends in toribash in this clan. You guys are all very well established and very mature players which is another appealing hong about this clan. You all also know how to have fun ,and when to joke around . I feel like I am the same in many ways. You are also very cool fellows to just chat with. I have had conversation with a lot of you. Lastly you all are very respectable players and people.

WHAT I COULD BRING INTO THE CLAN:Well as of now mostly activity and just somebody to talk to. Though once I home into my tricking I plan on making replays for your amusement and what not. I am getting help from guys like flash warrior platabear.

I will do what ever it takes to get into the clan. I will gain whatever amount of skill you find necessary for me to Join. I will work endlessly to get where I need to be to join eVo. I feel this is where I am best suited. Thankyou for reading my new app.

You try so hard... so you get a yes from me
Originally Posted by MinerIE View Post
Name: My name is Isaac Elgie (MinerIE)

Age: I am 14 years of age.

Belt: I am 10th Dan Black Belt (10882qi)

GMT: BST +-0

Past Clans: [iCoF] (Kicked in co-leaders rage), (Marines) (Left due to bad leader), (Echo) (Died)

Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): I am not special with any of these skills per say but I can work my way around GIMP and have past experience with Marketing

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): ---------

Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies): No-one has recommended this clan to me. As for vouchers, that awaits to be seen.

Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, Taekkyon, Kickbox, Etc..): Mainly, Iprefer to play aikido based mods such as Aikido and Greykido but I can play pretty much any mod (Apart from kick box)

About Yourself: As said above, I am 13 years of age meaning I am in school Monday - Friday as of September 4th. Toribash is usually the game I play in my free time meaning I can be moderately active both in-game and on forums.

Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]: I want to join [eVo] because I think it is a good clan that I can learn a lot from and I have also seen most of you guys in-game and it would be nice to join a good clan that are active.

What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If You Are Accepted Into [eVo]: I do not have any future plans per say but I think I could learn to be a better player if accepted into eVo.

This is a re-application because last time I had not been on toribash for 1 year and now, I have.

Cough =D
"An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men." ~Charles Darwin