Ok if he can undersatnd us then thats cool with me so un named 666 is in.

Boragoom, i would say yes but you belt level is very low, if you get to blue belt then let us know then we'll see about giving you a shot

SpeedNfs your in. add you tag by going to setup>login>then put [Hunters] before your name and login then BAMM changed
You might not beleive me, but I cant post any replays of myself cuz my pc broke down for no reason, I'm actually using my dad's pc right now.
But we have a warranty on the computer so were going back to the store to get a new computer on sunday, luckily I made a backup CD just in case anything like this happens. I would just put the backup CD in my dad's computer but its already full, so I'll post the replays on here on Sunday. And I'll try to get a better belt
Boragoom, you need to raise 3 belts more to get to get to blue! It's hard work!

SpeedNfs, your first post in the [Hunters] forums is kind of....weird, there are numbers in words and tons of words are misspelled. Sorry! No offense! I mean it!
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Originally Posted by wannin View Post
Boragoom, you need to raise 3 belts more to get to get to blue! It's hard work!

SpeedNfs, your first post in the [Hunters] forums is kind of....weird, there are numbers in words and tons of words are misspelled. Sorry! No offense! I mean it!

H3 w4$ wr171n9 1n £337$p34|{. H4(|{3r-£4n9µ493. |{1nÐ4 h4rÐ 70 r34Ð...
That means:
He was writing in Leetspeak. Hacker-Language.
Kinda hard to read...

But he's nice.

DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Warning: Removal of the attached label is punishable by instant death.
My replays
nice kick.rpl
me vs me.rpl
jump back.rpl

Ok I know that I cant join the clan until I'm a blue belt, but heres a few replays of myself that i made on my grandma's computer.