View Poll Results: Should i use this song?
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2 Votes / 50.00%
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Originally Posted by patriotz View Post
being more selective would be aalmsot not recruiting at all we are pretyt selective already very selective :3

What I mean is people no longer post "hey can i join" and we test them. What we would do is keep an eye out for people. When we think someone should join we read through their recent forum posts, check up on their activity, play with them for a while, and then hang with them to make sure they fit in and meet our personalities in this clan.

What we have been doing is just testing people who want in. There would no longer be this testing phase, we just consider somebody, check up on them, and then invite them.

And this would slow our growth too, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. We would all stay real tightly knit and all the members will have a chance to be an active part of the clan this way.

So what do you think?

P.S. I know it wouldn't make a HUGE difference, but it would still make us a bit more selective. And whether we go invite or not, I think we should start checking into our members a little more before we accept them. The reason for this is that right now our clan is PERFECT, in the way we get along. We all have a blast getting together and hanging out and having fun and laughing. I never want that to change, which is why I think we should check into people more to make sure that it never DOES change, and that we are always as close as we are now.
Last edited by hidingwarior; Aug 24, 2008 at 04:21 AM.