Originally Posted by ZeTo View Post
Well except ban you from the board and shit on your face.

We can't do that, we just can delete all his posts.
Originally Posted by Kingsta View Post
So many fancy user titles, they used to be impossible to get back in the day >_<
I think my VIP is due to come back sometime soon...

Back in the day as in one and a half month ago ;).
Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
Guyyysss. Its time for me to hang up my cape. I'm not gonna be playing toribash or chillin in the forum pretty much ever again so this is my final good bye.

I havent been in Family long but it definitely has been the bestest time I've had since I've started toribash. You guys have been awesome for realz. If I said individual goodbyes I'd probably start crying so this is just a big wave off to my greats.

I'll donate all my stuff to the family bank and then I'm off ok? (need ZeTo's email so I can pwn him with an unfinished set or two)

you guys

Aww nooo dammit , will miss you bud.
Originally Posted by ZeTo View Post

Look, I've started to stream a bit!
Might stream tonight aswell, if I am I'll let you know on skype.

Will follow from time to time.

Also how does this film night work?
Wat is film night? I assume you watch movies every night or all night.


Me and bulous have such meaningful and coherent conversations.
Naw mang.
Need to post that shit everywhere.
This is going in Obey too.
And everywhere else I can think of.
You don't need VIP mate, just buy the usertitle itself if that's what you want.
It's cheaper and stays forever! ^^
How are you?Guys your clan is dear to me as a friend, I would like to personally meet with each of you
Respect to ~ Brigada