Originally Posted by Vandetta View Post
we will need to talk about this first

I have returned my loyal and fellow clan members. please update me on any news.
I am evil.
Well you saw kowla wants to be an ally and balloffire left.
Further Rickyz is in NY for a while but will still be on the forums with his phone.
Psycho, lolpants and crabwithshoval is back.
and we entered a clan usertitle event haha. just waiting for the results now.

If there is something I missed someone else will tell you
Shop + VorteX + Toribash = FUN
Originally Posted by Vandetta View Post
Well you saw kowla wants to be an ally and balloffire left.
Further Rickyz is in NY for a while but will still be on the forums with his phone.
Psycho, lolpants and crabwithshoval is back.
and we entered a clan usertitle event haha. just waiting for the results now.

If there is something I missed someone else will tell you

Thank you very much trusty temp.
I am evil.
Well last week I made a betting server
It was called vbets short for vortexbets :P
But it died after like 35-50 mins cause of gmtourneys and raidtourneys :3
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
You just get warned and it gets deleted. infractions are warnings. . they pile up and if you get enough of them you get banned. but infractions have an expiration date like that milk you have in your fridge. they expire then they cant be held against you.
I am evil.
Ok thank you because I one of my posts got infracted and it was my first one so I was wondering, but how many do you get before u get banned?
It said the infraction was worth 2 points can someone explain that part to me
Last edited by deadlybash; Jun 16, 2011 at 05:36 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
It means that you have to get a certain amount of those points until you get banned.
Just don't worry and follow the rules, mkay? ;D
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc