Thanks mate, glad to hear that! c:


1: Shop UI is 90% done, just need to program and sprite up the skill tree.

2: New global enemy dakka variable implemented, so enemies shoot more on higher difficulties, and slightly less on Easy. Current table is like so:

Easy: 60% damage, 90% RoF
Normal: 100% damage, 100% RoF
Hard: 150% damage, 105% RoF
Nightmare: 200% damage, 120% RoF
EPIC MAN MODE >:C: 2000% damage, 150% RoF

So on top of enemies doing completely ridiculous damage on EPIC MAN MODE >:C, they also shoot 50% faster now. Yes, this makes it WAY harder. This is intentional, EPIC MAN MODE >:C is supposed to be the kind of difficulty that makes pro players wonder what the hell i was thinking. Might make an intermediate difficulty between Nightmare and EPIC MAN MODE >:C (Rude Awakening?) to compensate for this.

3: Heavy Wedge added to the enemy arsenal. Standard wedges just die too easily by that point, so here's a new zerg rush foe with four times the health. On top of this, i also made a Yellow Spreader, which fires a five shot spread, and a Yellow Fan, which has four guns and shoots more. Wonder what that looks like on the new EPIC MAN MODE >:C? Well, here you go.

All of those shots will instantly kill an unprotected player.

4: SOMTHIN WRONG HERE (it's supposed to reflect the shots)

I was originally hoping to have this update out before the 14th, but this is starting to look very unlikely. Why? Well, i'm gone on a field trip from the 14th to the 24th, so no developing will happen there.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
For #4, try pushing the bullets out after reflecting so they don't get reflected again next frame if they haven't moved all the way out of the reflection area, or put a reflection 'cooldown' on them to achieve the same effect.
Finally some news
And they are orgasmic, Especially the enemy RoF thingy, will make things a lot harder, but that's exactly how i like this game.
Yellow Spread Enemy + EPIC MAN MODE >:C + increased RoF = A total bitch.
The new difficulty between Nightmare and EPIC MAN MODE >:C could have 500% more damage but less RoF than nightmare mod
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum

Definitely going to have more standard difficulties (as in prefixes), though in the future i'm planning to let the player fine tune both enemy damage and rate of fire to their liking, while still keeping the prefixes for lazy players. Current list in mind:

Baby Mode :c - 30% damage, 75% dakka
Easy - 60% damage, 90% dakka
Normal - 100% damage, 100% dakka
Hard - 150% damage, 110% dakka
Nightmare - 200% damage, 120% dakka
Rude Awakening - 500% damage, 130% dakka
Dammit Developers - 1000% damage, 140% dakka
EPIC MAN MODE >:C - 2000% damage, 150% dakka

Just to have some variety, and to be able to say that there are 4 difficulties above Hard. :U


A: The game now runs with a variable frame rate. That means you're no longer constrained to the choppy 30 FPS of the past, now you could theoretically run 3 million FPS if you so pleased. I'm going to set the default at 60 though, because above that it tends to slow down during intense moments (even though 120 FPS is god tier smoothness). 60 FPS is quite smooth too, so don't worry about it. And on top of that, smooth slowmo/fast forward is now possible as well, just because it's fun to fuck with time.


Blam's suggestion of a reflection delay made it possible to have boolits reflected by multiple ships and still cause damage to other ones, so that's nice. And yeah, those ships do get damaged if you hit them in the hull, though i still have to tweak the detection slightly.

And with those things out of my mind, i can finally begin thinking of the skill system.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
You are killing me shook :<
Gib me game
At least tell us what the new upgrades will be cause i don't have the patience to wait any longer :<
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum

Not quite yet good sir, but your enthusiasm is much appreciated!

Thing is, however, that i don't even know what the upgrades will be, which is why i've done other things. What i can reveal, however, is that the final weapon upgrade (for cash) will bring a piercing effect to your guns, and that i'm planning to have the last three tiers of upgrades unlocked after level 5, 10 and 15 respectively. That means you won't be getting spread shot before level 11. It'll be a pretty short run with the piercing shots, but with the way the difficulty is ramping up, they'll be very necessary by level 19. The level 9 text isn't lying, you know. :U

In other news, i believe Chartle has found a way to have multiple savegames stored, which is pretty rad. Once he gets that implemented, there's only the skill tree, a few levels and possibly level selection to go before next update. After that, the game is past the 50% completion mark, which i'm immensely thrilled by. c:

What will happen when it hits 1.0, you might ask? Well, i don't know, really. Either i'll keep tacking on random things, or i'll start a new project that i've had in mind for a while now. And by project, i mean game. Hell if i'm going to stop at one!
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
It is released, check the first post for a download link. :U
That said, however, the version me and Chartle have right now is significantly ahead of the latest public version, but it's not without its fair share of quirks and missing things (for one, the second boss is a bit iffy at higher frame rates). Besides, i'm sticking with the plan of having done the previously mentioned major features before releasing, but i'm pretty sure it'll be worth the wait. Or so i hope, anyways. Might hold the skill tree for the subsequent update if it takes too long, but i'm hoping that won't be the case, since there aren't actually a lot of gameplay changes since the last update.

Also, pretty cool concept you got there. The controls oughta be a smidge more responsive though. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Yer welcome. :U

Also, while you all wait, here's some commentary i did on the version i have at the moment.

32 minutes of me playing the game and repeating myself, so good luck surviving that.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol