Updates single player replays cnc if you want and thanks <3
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Matarikacreedb3.rpl (907.9 KB, 5 views)
Sosah-.rpl (508.2 KB, 5 views)
matarikacreed3 very fluid and straightforward, but tbh, I liked the creed2 replay a little better, it felt more natural to me, and I liked the hop under the bard in creed2.
I love the slide down the roof in creed3 though, that was amazing! maybe try to get the hops across the bars a little smoother, it feels a little jumpy when you're going across them. 7/10

sosah if only I could trick like you... very nice, super fluid and the pace was perfect! the b-twist at the beginning was really nicely executed, and the overall replay was quite nice 8.5/10

my attempt at tricking in mp, not bad but not... good...
take a look!
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[t] karbn and owen trick 1.rpl (350.1 KB, 4 views)
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
I can parkour when I want to and Lloyd try and work on your arms more they are stiff through out both replays
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vaultjump.tbm (1.2 KB, 4 views)
Practice.rpl (101.7 KB, 7 views)
Watched last night but forgot to comment, so I'm going off of memory.

Not a bad run, I like the fact that you're using your arms(the run needs work though)
The step up into the first ledge wasn't very good, you could've just jumped over it and gotten a cleaner result. The jump over the next ledge was decent, but I don't remember much of it.

Overal, not bad for a beginner, just practice improving your run and transitions on obsticles and you'll do fine.
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
well at least we know you can mas ;) pretty good stuff! use your lumbar when extending glutes to make up for that weird lean in the beginning. nice blocks, some good punching in the beginning, but then you just stop punching and go on the defensive. try to work in a punch or two in there while defending. not bad! you could become a MAS player in a short while if you set your mind to it for sure. 7/10

I self spar i'm working on that originated from a mp spar with kirinoi. I threw it together in about 10 minutes, i'm just looking for an opinion. thanks!

EDIT: I started as uke when this was a mp spar, kirinoi is lp'd as me, until I edit the spar and put the skins on the correct people
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# new spar.rpl (279.8 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Karbn; Feb 12, 2017 at 06:12 AM.
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord