'ello TLL clan C2 hear.. Or what used to be him.. My other account I have no Idea what happened to But Anyways Im reapplying... Again....

Name: Darksyde (you Can still call me c2 even though it doesn't make sense anymore)
Hobbies: Eh... I like Designing things with computers even though I'm really no good at it, I also enjoy wrestling, tae kwon do, any contact sport really... Reading, Writing, Cooking, Drawing etc... I guess you could say I like pretty much everything.. Almost..
Belt: White but should be black
Age & date of Birth: 13 sep/22/1998
Why I want to join this clan: I really miss this clan, I mean really I use this clans name for every game I play (PSN), I really feel like ive lost my skill and need a bit more advice, and I have a feeling you'll be seeing a lot more of C2/Dark
Well, thats a good app C2/dark/ you .-.

You seem to have spent some time on it since you didnt follow the generic format, so I'm leaning to accept you. I'm on IRC more frequently now and i hope you join it too. Otherwise there will be no way to accept you, and this app will remain forgotten for the upcoming weeks <_>

Good Luck
Originally Posted by Darksyde2 View Post
'ello TLL clan C2 hear.. Or what used to be him.. My other account I have no Idea what happened to But Anyways Im reapplying... Again....

Name: Darksyde (you Can still call me c2 even though it doesn't make sense anymore)
Hobbies: Eh... I like Designing things with computers even though I'm really no good at it, I also enjoy wrestling, tae kwon do, any contact sport really... Reading, Writing, Cooking, Drawing etc... I guess you could say I like pretty much everything.. Almost..
Belt: White but should be black
Age & date of Birth: 13 sep/22/1998
Why I want to join this clan: I really miss this clan, I mean really I use this clans name for every game I play (PSN), I really feel like ive lost my skill and need a bit more advice, and I have a feeling you'll be seeing a lot more of C2/Dark

Well, welll, nice hobbies, good to see that you have a life, Belt doesn't matter, as a rule of the forums(i think it it is, not sure), also because we don't care to much for you skill ingame, and we know you. Well, because that you was in the clan you didn't put too much information about you, anyways... i think we need to see what are you about, in Irc and forums etc... Hope see you online.
I am Demietrius, I like Toribash alot.I know most of yall might think the name is kind of weird but I didn't know what to put. I play football & I am about to go into highshool(Freshman year).I have been playing football for 8 years. I starts a Cornerback & 2nd String Runningback, so if anyone plays football then I would like talking to you.I kind of play basketball, but not a team, like football. I am 14 years old, & born in the UK. I am black lol, even though I am British. I will join the Toribash chat network, with you all, because I hear that is what the clan is mostly about. I have a Playstation 3, so add me OregonDucks-27. I am very active on Toribash, my post won't show it because I re joined Toribash & created another account. I am sopost to be a 6th Dan Black Belt & like the mods Aikmbo & Judo. I would like to join, because this clan seems the place for me, it has people that speak English & are active in the forum. I understand it is not really a in game clan & I go on the forum more than in game. From a 0-10 how active I am on the forum is a 9.8 & for in game a 7.8. I have a life with my football career,so I don't spend my time on Toribash all day long. I follow the rules to many clans, & don't cause trouble, because it is a game & no point. I don't lie & I also give donations to the clans I am in, when I have the TC. One last thing I think I can contribute to this clan alot, because I can help with art, like text art, none of the Gimp stuff though. Hopefully I didn't waste my time typing this 600-10000 word paragraph, to not be able to join & hopefully you read this all. No matter if I join our not can you watch my football highlight video & hit the like button, so people will watch it. It is in my signature, down there. This is all I have to say & please make the right decision, if I can join or not.
-Sincerly Demietrius/GodIsGood
Last edited by GodisGood; Mar 1, 2012 at 01:48 AM.
Alright. Your app is good, I see you spent some time and effort into it, and your grammar is pretty acceptable.

I'm leaning to accept you, i would like to state that. But obviously i cannot give a definitive answer before i actually see how determinate you are at posting regularly in this forum.

Now I have to admit something: no member of this clan can be branded a 24 hours-active member. I, for example, will only have enough time to spend in forums on weekends, while on the other days of the week I am only able to check for new posts and perhaps to make 1 or 2.

At this exact time, I'm not aware of the activity or inactivity of the other members, so you can check our IRC chat room and see who is online. In my opinion, talking to us in the IRC is way more important than posting here, not that you wont have to post anything if you join the chat.

Good Luck.
Originally Posted by GodisGood View Post
I would like to join, because this clan seems the place for me, it has people that speak English & are active in the forum.

AHAHAHAHAH we are active?

What are your alts names?

do you know fear irl?

you say you know most of us, so who do you actually know?
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Do not accept him.
Just take my word for it that he is not someone you want to be in TLL however desperate you are for activity.
Last edited by FinalWish; Mar 2, 2012 at 09:35 PM.