Forums are going to be a bit crazy right now, so if you see whole threads dissipate, it's me ^.^
Putting the banners we have up and adding rules etc.

Evidently that's not all, but I couldn't stand waiting for so long. EXTREME HURRY THE F*CK UP
Last edited by Fear; Mar 15, 2011 at 07:21 PM.

Yes, there ARE rules, sorry about that!
They follow the same patterns as most other clans do, but just in case they slip your mind...

Thou shalt not:

-Spam, in game, on forum, in IRC, in your dreams, anywhere! Strictly forbidden, always remember this.
-USE CAPS CUZ' UR 'ARD! Caps make you look like a duché, sorry, but it's true. I know they're cruise control for the cool, but that's only in Scotland. Forbidden!7
-Troll. Do not. No. Never. Do it and die in a pit. Non. No. To no-one, no matter what the circumstances. Even IRL. Yes I'm watching you.
-Anger the powers that be. I guess this comes under trolling, but you will NOT make admins ticked off with you, ok?
-Steal. That means taking anything made by anyone else within Toribash without their consent. Could get you banned rather sharpish.
-Double Clan, ever! Unless you're someone helping out with BLEU of course, this irritates me to no end as it shows you have zilch loyalty to TLL. Gtfo if you wish to do this.
-Pretend to be me, or someone with power in TLL. Asshole. (Please note: This rules DOES apply to the IRC, unless the person you are impersonating is already in the room with you).

Thou shalt:

-Do anything else you like!
Last edited by Fear; Mar 15, 2011 at 07:28 PM.
did you go to......Dr. Frankenstein!?!?!?! (dun dun duunnnnnnnnn)
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
darn....he prob couldve helped you. also...good grammer for a dead person. just saying.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos